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Learn about the two awesome ways you have available for styling your content using JavaScript.
When it comes to styling some content, the most common way is by creating a style rule and have its selector target an element or elements. A style rule would look as follows:
.batman {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #333;
An element that would be affected by this style rule could look like this:
<div class="batman"></div>
On any given web page, we'll see anywhere from just a few to many MANY style rules each beautifully stepping over each other to style everything that we see. This isn't the only approach we can use to style content using CSS, though. It wouldn't be HTML if there weren't multiple ways to accomplish the same task!
Ignoring inline styles, the other approach that we can use to introduce elements to the goodness that is CSS styling involves JavaScript. We can use JavaScript to directly set a style on an element, and we can also use JavaScript to add or remove class values on elements which will alter which style rules get applied.
In this tutorial, we're going to learn about both of these approaches.
Before we go further it is probably useful to explain why we would ever want to use JavaScript to affect the style of an element in the first place. In the common cases where we use style rules or inline styles to affect how an element looks, the styling kicks in when the page is loaded. That's awesome, and that's probably what we want most of the time.
There are many cases, especially as our content gets more interactive, where we want styles to dynamically kick in based on user input, some code having run in the background, and more. In these sorts of scenarios, the CSS model involving style rules or inline styles won't help us. While pseudoselectors like hover provide some support, we are still greatly limited in what we can do.
The solution we will need to employ for all of them is one that involves JavaScript. JavaScript not only lets us style the element we are interacting with, more importantly, it allows us to style elements all over the page. This freedom is very powerful and goes well beyond CSS's limited ability to style content inside (or very close to) itself.
Like we saw in the introduction, we have two ways to alter the style of an element using JavaScript. One way is by setting a CSS property directly on the element. The other way is by adding or removing class values from an element which may result in certain style rules getting applied or ignored. Let's look at both of these cases in greater detail.
Every HTML element that you access via JavaScript has a style object. This object allows you to specify a CSS property and set its value. For example, this is what setting the background color of an HTML element whose id value is superman looks like:
let myElement = document.querySelector("#superman");
myElement.style.backgroundColor = "#D93600";
To affect many elements, you can do something as follows:
let myElements = document.querySelectorAll(".bar");
for (let i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
myElements[i].style.opacity = 0;
In a nutshell, to style elements directly using JavaScript, the first step is to access the element. Our handy querySelector method from earlier is quite helpful here. The second step is just to find the CSS property you care about and give it a value. Remember, many values in CSS are actually strings. Also remember that many values require a unit of measurement like px or em or something like that to actually get recognized. Also remember...actually, I forgot.
Lastly, some CSS properties require a more complex value to be provided with a bunch of random text followed by the value you care about. One of the more popular ones in this bucket is the transform property. One approach for setting a complex value is to use good old fashioned string concatenation:
myElement.style.transform = "translate3d(" + xPos + ", " + yPos + "px, 0)";
That can get really irritating, for keeping track of the quotation marks and so on is something tedious and error-prone. One less irritating solution is to use the string literal syntax:
myElement.style.transform = `translate3d(${xPos}px, ${yPos}px, 0)`;
Notice how this approach allows you to still provide custom values while avoiding all of the string concatenation complexity. For more details on the string literal syntax, the Combining Strings and Variables article/video are just what you will need.
JavaScript is very picky about what makes up a valid property name. Most names in CSS would get JavaScript's seal of approval, so you can just use them straight-up from the carton. There are a few things to keep in mind, though.
To specify a CSS property in JavaScript that contains a dash, simply remove the dash. For example, background-color becomes backgroundColor, the border-radius property transforms into borderRadius, and so on.
Also, certain words in JavaScript are reserved and can't be used directly. One example of a CSS property that falls into this special category is float. In CSS it is a layout property. In JavaScript, it stands for something else. To use a property whose name is entirely reserved, prefix the property with css where float becomes cssFloat.
Taken from the depths of senocular's brain, there is another variation to our earlier approach we can use for setting styles directly. It involves using Object.assign:
let color = "red"
let fontSize = "2em"
let fontWeight = "bolder"
Object.assign(myElement.style, {
For our DOM element represented by myElement, the color, fontSize, and fontWeight CSS properties are set with a single operation. An approach like this is a huge timesaver if we need to set many properties or are using frameworks like React where large amounts of CSS-in-JS is the norm.
The second approach involves adding and removing class values that, in turn, change which style rules get applied. For example, let's say we have a style rule that looks as follows:
.disableMenu {
display: none;
In HTML, we have a menu whose id is dropDown:
<ul id="dropDown">
Now, if we wanted to apply our .disableMenu style rule to this element, all we would need to do is add disableMenu as a class value to the dropDown element:
<ul class="disableMenu" id="dropDown">
One way to accomplish this involves setting an element's className property, an approach we saw earlier. The trouble with className is that we are responsible for maintaining the current list of class values applied. Worse, the list of class values is returned to us as a string. If we have multiple class values we want to add, remove, or just toggle on/off, we have to do a bunch of error-prone string-related trickery that just isn't fun.
To help alleviate some of the inconvenience, we now have a much nicer API that makes adding and removing class values from an element ridiculously easy. This new API is affectionately known as classList, and it provides a handful of methods that will make working with class values a piece of cake:
What these four methods do may be pretty self-explanatory from their names, but let's look at them in further detail.
To add a class value to an element, get a reference to the element and call the add method on it via classList:
let divElement = document.querySelector("#myDiv");
After this code runs, our div element will have the following class values: bar, foo, zorb, baz. The classList API takes care of ensuring spaces are added between class values. If we specify an invalid class value, the classList API will complain and not add it. If we tell the add method to add a class that already exists on the element, our code will still run, but the duplicate class value will not get added.
To remove a class value, we can call the remove method on classList:
let divElement = document.querySelector("#myDiv");
After this code executes, the foo class value will be removed. What we will be left with is just bar, baz, and zorb. Pretty simple, right?
For many styling scenarios, there is one very common workflow. First, we check if a class value on an element exists. If the value exists, we remove it from the element. If the value does not exist, we add that class value to the element. To simplify this very common toggling pattern, the classList API provides you with the toggle method:
let divElement = document.querySelector("#myDiv");
divElement.classList.toggle("foo"); // remove foo
divElement.classList.toggle("foo"); // add foo
divElement.classList.toggle("foo"); // remove foo
The toggle method, as its name implies, adds or removes the specified class value on the element each time it is called. In our case, the foo class is removed the first time the toggle method is called. The second time, the foo class is added. The third time, the foo class is removed. You get the picture.
The last thing we are going to look at is the contains method:
let divElement = document.querySelector("#myDiv");
if (divElement.classList.contains("bar") == true) {
// do something
This method checks to see if the specified class value exists on the element. If the value exists, you get true. If the value doesn't exist, you get false.
So, there you have it - two perfectly fine JavaScript-based approaches you can use for styling your elements. Of these two choices, if you have the ability to modify your CSS, I would prefer you go style elements by adding and removing classes. The simple reason is that this approach is far more maintainable. It is much easier to add and remove style properties from a style rule in CSS as opposed to adding and removing lines of JavaScript.
Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!
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