Basic Text Scroller
wanted to create text in its own little scroll
box? This tutorial will help you to learn how to
create a basic text scroller easily.
Random Colors
Learn how to
create a movie clip that creates random colors on
the fly. You can customize to a mouse action,
frame action, etc. This is one tutorial and source
code you should not be without.
Flash MX: Switch/Case
Find an
alternative to if/else by learning about the
switch/case feature!
Learn how to control
animations in another movie clip inside the same
Tell Target
Learn more about why the
Tell Target commands function the way they do and
why you should consider to use them in your
Projector Commands
Use this page as a guide to
help you remember the projector commands that you
can use in your projector movies.
Password Entry &
Learn how to create a password input form that
checks whether the password is accurate or not by
using If/Else statements. Master if/else
statements by following this tutorial.
Displaying Data in a Text Field
Learn how to use variables,
input boxes, dynamic text boxes, concatenation,
and more in this tutorial.
Flash 5 Preloaders
Understand how Preloaders work and use them in
your own animations by following this simple guide
that outlines all the steps necessary for a
successful preloader.
Control the properties of movie clips by using the
Set Property commands.