home : actionscript : oop (object oriented programming)
 Download Entire Tutorial in PDF  (thanks to matt schilling)
Object Basics
- Introduction
- Objects Are References
- Movieclips as Objects
- Objects, Objects Everywhere
- ValueOf and toString
Object Scope
- Introduction
- Top Level Scopes
- Scope in Functions
- Local Scope
- Overriding
- The this Keyword
- The Arguments Object
Custom Object Classes
- Introduction
- Class Constructors
- The new Keyword
- Instances
- Defining Classes
- Static Properties and Methods
- The Constructor Property
- Shared Values Between Instances
- Introduction
- Prototypes for Properties
- Getter and Setter Properties
- Encapsulation
- ASSetPropFlags and Enumeration
- Introduction
- Inheritance Chains
- Scripting Inheritance
- Super
- Polymorphism
- ASBroadcaster and Events for Class Instances
- Deconstructors
Custom Classes With MovieClips
- Introduction
- Object.registerClass
- MovieClip Constructors
- Object.registerClass Issues
- Constructor VS Init object
- The Init Method
- MovieClip.onLoad
- #initclip and #endinitclip
- MovieClip Deconstructors
Controlling OOP
- Introduction
- __proto__
- __constructor__
- Coming Together With OOP
- Extends


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