As I was checking out some
experiments on several Flash sites, I saw an animation that
had what I thought was a random color generator. So, after
playing around with the ActionScripting code, I finally
found a way to make it work.
The example below will show
you how your final animation may look:
Click on
the Yellow Circle Above
Random Colors
Before we start, please
download the partial source below. Don't worry, the partial
source will not have the key elements to make it'll do that with the information found below.
Click here to download the
Here's How:
What you need to do, is
practically copy and paste code on your example. Right
click on a square (at random maybe?) and choose Actions.
From the window that pops up, click on the arrow on the
top right of the window. Choose "Expert Mode". See image
From there, you
can actually type in custom commands. So, simply copy and
paste this code into the actions window.:
Now, copy and
paste that code into all the other squares as well. So, you
should have four squares with the exact same code in it.
Now, it's time to add the code for the Button that
will invoke this action script. Simply go back into Expert
Mode (make sure you have the Action window for the middle
button) selected. Copy and paste this code for the button:
Now, you can
preview the animation, and it should work.
Adding More
Elements To Be Randomly Colored:
Surely, on
your animations, you will not be using 4 squares. You can
use up to a million squares if you want to hehe. But, you do
have to do two important things before you can go about
adding your million squares (you can add as many or as few
as you want).
If you look
at the Instance name for each square, you should see that I
numbered it. For good reason too; the numbers help the code
to determine which movie should be updated. So if you add
more elements, make sure you number them sequentially as
well. (Square 5) will have an instance name of "5". Now,
here comes one of the most important steps. Modify the code
for the button to incorporate new squares. I'll be referring
you to the highlighted code below (this is the same code as
the one for the button):
The code that is highlighted
in Red has to be modified. Where it says "i<5" add
one extra for 6 squares. In other words, if you have 10
squares, the code would be the same except for "i<11"
Also, you need to copy the line:
_root["r"+i+"New"] =
repeatedly for
each square. So a 10 square animation will have this
following code for the button:
Notice that I
alternated the "r", "g", and "b" in the code above. That
will specify what portion of the color RGB value to
randomize. It also simply assigns actions to that statement
as well.
So, that is all there is to
creating randomly colored movies. You can even change it to
where the user doesn't even have to click the button for
random colors; you can make it where the user can rollover,
etc. So, add this in to some of your animations. It is quite
fun and "random" each time :) For the final source code,
please Click Here
Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!