AS1 OOP: Prototypes
         by senocular  

A prototype is class specific shared value. Each class has its own prototype object which is used for storing shared prototype values. These values can be variable values such as numbers or strings or, and more commonly the case, as class method functions. Everything contained within this prototype object is then accessible to each instance of that class despite the fact that it is not part of that actual instance itself.

The prototype object for any class resides in the constructor function for that class. And that’s all the prototype object is, just a simple object that sits there in the constructor function waiting to have shared definitions assigned to it. It’s created automatically by Flash when the constructor is defined so you won't have to worry about making it manually. In fact, Flash automatically creates a prototype object for any function you define assuming its possible use as a constructor function.

doesNothingFunction = function(){};
trace(doesNothingFunction.prototype); // traces [object Object]

The quickest way to get started with prototypes is using them on Flash's core objects (classes) such as the Array object of the MovieClip object. When you define values or functions in the Array.prototype object, they become available to all Array instances. This can be very helpful if you are using something like a common method for a lot or all of your Array in a Flash movie. Defining it once in the Array.prototype means all arrays instantly have access to use that function as though it were assigned directly to it since everything in the prototype object of Array is shared among all array instances.

As an example we can use the switchValues function from before. This function switched the values of the first two elements of an array. As an array prototype, the function acts as a method to all arrays and wouldn’t have to be defined individually for each array that would need to use it.

Array.prototype.switchValues = function(){
var temp = this[0];
this[0] = this[1];
this[1] = temp;

letters = ["A", "B"];
numbers = [1,2];

trace(letters); // traces "B", "A"
trace(numbers); // traces 2, 1

Having been set only once in the Array.prototype, all arrays are then able to use the function as an array method – as though it was defined in directly in each.

Here is an example of a MovieClip prototype that will, when called, cause any movieclip to jump right 100 pixels:

MovieClip.prototype.jumpRight = function(){
this._x += 100;

// used it on clipA in the current timeline
clipA.jumpRight(); // clipA moves 100 px to the right

In fact, every method you already know as array or movieclip methods are those that already exist in the Array and MovieClip prototype objects. This applies to all methods of predefined Flash objects. Each one of those methods for each Actionscript object is defined in that class’s prototype object. The valueOf and toString methods, for example, are prototype methods.

Just as you would add a prototype to a pre-existing Flash classes, you can also add them to your own. Take the House class for example. Before, we added a method directly in the House class constructor. In doing this, all House instances created would receive a copy of that function. Keeping that method in the House prototype object instead of assigning a copy within the constructor means that all House instances will still have access to the method, but it will only need to be physically defined in one place. Then it can be shared in an optimized non-redundant manner.

// class definition
House = function(siding){
this.floors = 4;
if (siding != undefined){
this.siding = siding;
this.siding = "Red";
// define a method in the House function's prototype object
// which is to be shared among all House instances
House.prototype.outputSiding = function(){

// create an instance of the House class
myHouse = new House();
myHouse.outputSiding(); // traces "Red"

// create an blue instance of the House class
myHouse = new House("Blue");
myHouse.outputSiding(); // traces "Blue"

With just about every class you make, you'll be wanting to assign property values in the constructor copying them to instances, as these are likely to change or be different for each instance, and have methods shared in the prototype object of the constructor as they are not unique to each instance.



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