AS1 OOP: Custom Object Classes
         by senocular  

Static Properties and Methods
Sometimes you may need to handle properties or methods in a class that is not specific to any instance of the class. These are often kept in the class constructor function object and are known as static properties and methods.

The Math object in Flash is an example of a "class" that has static properties and methods. In fact, the Math object is made solely of these. Never will you actually have a Math instance; the only time you really use Math is when you need to access its property values like Math.PI or its methods like Math.round or Math.sin. All of these are static properties and methods of the Math class. Each are defined directly to the Math constructor (though since you never make Math instances, the Math object is hardly a constructor and technically thereby not seen so much as a class). Math object methods, in their internal workings, really have no reference to or make use of a this so much. Remember, this in methods assigned in the constructor are used to reference the calling instance. In a static Math method, this would actually reference the Math object itself since Math is playing the role of an instance in that case. Because Math is a top level or global object, Math itself could be directly referenced instead of a this, thereby reducing confusion; something that could be a good idea when making your own static methods.

// access a Math static property
trace(Math.SQRT2); // traces 1.4142135623731

// run a Math static method
trace(Math.sin(.5)); // traces 0.479425538604203

Maybe a better example of a class with a static method is the String class. String instances all have access to normal string methods such as charAt, substring, toLowerCase etc., but aside from those, the String constructor itself has its own method, fromCharCode. This is a method that's called directly from String itself, not an instance, and simply creates a string from a single or a series of ASCII values. Because it has no dependency on an existing string's value, it has no need to be used from one. Basically, its a normal function, it just makes a string so its kept within the String constructor object.

// make a string instance and use a string method
myString = "Hello";
trace(myString.substring(0,2)); // traces "He"

// use a static string method from String itself which
// creates a string instance, but isn't used on one
myString = String.fromCharCode(72,101);
trace(myString); // traces "He"

Static properties and methods can also be used to help you with your custom classes. You can have them operate on their own as the case is with the String object's fromCharCode, or you can also use them in conjunction with instances created by that class. One common use is in counting how many instances of a class were created using a static property to keep track of each instance made. All you'd need to do is make a static property in the class constructor called something like count. Then with each constructor call, increment that value to update the number of instances created. This can then be referenced directly from the class constructor in the occasion you wish to know how many instances of that class have been created. To exemplify, lets make a new class, a Fish class.

// define class constructor
Fish = function(type){
this.type = type;
Fish.count++; // increment the count variable in Fish
// define count in Fish to be 0 to start
Fish.count = 0;

// how many fish are there now?
trace(Fish.count); // traces 0

// make a new freshwater fish
spot = new Fish("Freshwater");

// how many fish are there now?
trace(Fish.count); // traces 1

Because count is kept in the constructor itself and not as a unique property of each fish instance, it will be increased for each fish made reflecting the total number of times the constructor is called.

In counting Fish, the Fish constructor function object was referenced directly using "Fish." There are actually 2 other ways of accessing Fish from the constructor function which could also be used. In my opinion, using the constructor name directly is the best as its the most straightforward, however, you also have the option of using arguments.callee or through using the constructor property.

Expanding on this, we set up a class to keep track of all instances created - even send them all events much in the same way all movieclip's receive the onEnterFrame event. This can be as simple as adding each instance to an array property in the class constructor whenever the constructor is called, though can also get more involved. This will be covered in greater detail later


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