AS1 OOP: Inheritance
         by senocular  

Since inheritance here is carried through the prototype, it specifically handles shared properties and methods. Setting up inheritance like that doesn’t do anything for defining unique properties in subclass instances. Notice in the Person-SuperHero example that name and age properties in the Person constructor are not defined in the SuperHero constructor. They are available to SuperHero instances, but only available to through the prototype as that is the only place they are defined when the inheritance is setup. Because of this, each SuperHero instance effectively references the same name and age from the prototype object instead of having their own unique property for each (which here would be undefined since the Person constructor was called without any parameters passed to it). What is needed is to have the Person constructor run specifically for each instance of a SuperHero when its created thereby giving each the unique properties defined by that constructor. The super command does just that for us.

The super keyword is an operator available in the local scope of a subclass constructor function call (or method call) that allows that class to reference the constructor of and individual methods of the super class in which it inherits from. This allows you to define unique properties specified by a super class in each instance of a subclass by running the super class constructor for each instance created. In this manner, super acts just like the super class constructor so pass in variables as needed. Lets incorporate that into the SuperHero class.

// Person class definition
Person = function(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
Person.prototype.speak = function(phrase){

// SuperHero class definition
// use parameters needed in super class constructor
SuperHero = function(name, age, power){
// run the super class constructo, Person, on
// the instance of SuperHero being created
super(name, age);
// assign additional property values as needed
this.superPower = power;
this.peopleSaved = new Array();
SuperHero.prototype = new Person();
SuperHero.prototype.savePerson = function(person){
this.speak("A SuperHero's job is never done!");
SuperHero.prototype.getLastPersonSaved = function(){
return this.peopleSaved[this.peopleSaved.length-1];

// check a super heros properties
worldsLastHero = new SuperHero("Bob", 74, "Whittling");
trace(; // traces "Bob"
trace(worldsLastHero.age); // traces 74
trace(worldsLastHero.superPower); // traces "Whittling"
// which are different from what would be the otherwise accessed prototype values
trace(; // traces undefined
trace(SuperHero.prototype.age); // traces undefined

The super function, however, also serves as an object to reference the super class’s prototype object. Using the super in this manner allows you to call methods directly off the super class prototype for your subclass instance. Normally you wouldn’t need to do this since your subclass instances automatically inherit those methods directly, however, when you would need to use this is when you have a subclass that has a method with the same name as a super class method. Yes that’s possible and not uncommon.

In defining a subclass, you may find yourself in need of re-defining a certain method so that it would more specifically suit instances the new class. That’s well and fine. Doing so is just a matter of creating the method again within that subclass with the new definition desired. This won’t have any effect on the super class’s version and all instances of the subclass will use the new definition in favor of the one in the super class since it would be found first in the inheritance chain. If, however, you wanted to get a call to the super class method of that same name, you still could through super. Super would then allow you to bypass the class prototype’s method and skip right on up to reach the super class’s method and call it instead, or even along with the class’s own version.

For example, lets say your company makes computer monitors. Every monitor has specific behaviors when turned on. No matter what the make or model, every monitor will degauss when turned on, but only model 86B will auto-adjust brightness. Because of this, when turned on, 86B models will not only perform normal monitor behaviors, but also its own. As classes in Actionscript, they would be set up in the following manner.

// basic monitor class
Monitor = function(size, res){
this.screenSize = size;
this.nativeResolution = res;
this.powerIsOn = false;
Monitor.prototype.turnOn = function(){
this.powerIsOn = true;
Monitor.prototype.degauss = function(){
// degauss here etc.

// class for a model 86B monitor
Model86B = function(size, res){
// model 86B uses same definition as
// its monitor super class
super(size, res);
// setup inheritance with Monitor class
Model86B.prototype = new Monitor();
// add a unique turn on method for model86B instances
Model86B.prototype.turnOn = function(){
// using this.turnOn would run this function
// but we need the super class turnOn to run
// so super allows access to that acting as a
// reference to the super class prototype
Model86B.prototype.adjustBrightness = function(){
trace("Adjusted brightness");
// adjust brightness here etc.

// make an 86B instance and turn it on
demoMonitor = new Model86B(17, [1024,768]);
demoMonitor.turnOn(); // traces "Degaussed" and "Adjusted brightness"

As you can see, super here allowed a Model86B instance to access its super class’s turnOn method in one of its own. So as you can see, super is available not only in the constructor call, but class methods as well.


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