AS1 OOP: Inheritance
         by senocular  

Scripting Inheritance
Applying inheritance in Actionscript with classes usually consists of two parts, setting up the inheritance chain connection and super class initialization. Setting up the inheritance connection to the super class is key. It pretty much defines the act of inheritance. Initialization of the super class, however, can be dependant on your class definitions and may not be needed at all.

With Actionscript, the standard method of establishing inheritance is through the prototype object of your class. After all, the prototype is the object that shares. Linking inheritance through the prototype means subclass instances will be able to share super class methods etc. This is setup is by immediately defining the prototype of a class to be a new instance of the super class – before any other prototypes of the subclass are defined. Taking the pelican example to a simplification, we can have two classes, Animal and Bird. The Bird class can then be a subclass of Animal.

// Animal - a super class to Bird
Animal = function(){
this.isAnAnimal = true;
// Bird - a subclass of Animal
Bird = function(){
this.isABird = true;
// setup inheritance linkage between Bird and Animal
Bird.prototype = new Animal();

// we can see the bird being an animal through an instance of bird
poly = new Bird();
trace(poly.isABird); // traces true
trace(poly.isAnAnimal); // traces true

The reason this is performed before other prototype definitions is because doing this actually replaces the prototype object with a new object – an instance of the super class. Prototypes can then be added specifically for the subclass. If they were added before, all those definitions would be lost as the prototype is replaced with a new instance of the super class. As an instance of the super class, though, the prototype object inherently then has access to all super class properties and methods as every other instance of the super class has. And because its now serving as the subclass prototype, it means all instances of the subclass, sharing its properties and methods, will then have access properties and methods of that super class. Basically all you're doing is quickly creating a pre-functional prototype object for your class - a prototype object with already defined methods and properties as they exist in another class. It's a quick and easy way to incorporate pre-written code into your new class without having to write them all over again.

Though this new prototype instance is in fact an direct instance of the class acting as the super class, it is not an acting instance of that class -not an instance which is being used as a normal instance of that class would be. That being the case, if you are using a static property to keep track of class instances, you may need to compensate for instances used to define inheritance in this manner. You can do this either with some form of if check within the constructor or just by adjusting the count or corresponding value after the prototype assignment.

Let's do another example, this time with more going on in prototypes. Here we'll use Person and SuperHero classes.

// Person class definition
Person = function(name, age){ = name;
this.age = age;
Person.prototype.speak = function(phrase){

// SuperHero class definition
SuperHero = function(power){
this.superPower = power;
this.peopleSaved = new Array();
SuperHero.prototype = new Person();
SuperHero.prototype.savePerson = function(person){
// a SuperHero can use speak because its inherited
// from its super class Person
this.speak("A SuperHero's job is never done!");
SuperHero.prototype.getLastPersonSaved = function(){
return this.peopleSaved[this.peopleSaved.length-1];

// create some instances.
damselInDistress = new Person("Lois", 25);
superMan = new SuperHero("Being subclass instance.");

// use the new instances and their methods
damselInDistress.speak("Help!"); // traces "Help!"
superMan.savePerson(damselInDistress); // traces "A SuperHero’s job is never done!"
// check to see if Lois was actually saved
trace(superMan.getLastPersonSaved() == damselInDistress); // traces true

Ironically, SuperHero here is a subclass, but don’t let that confuse you. Person is actually the super class to SuperHero. But as you can see, as a Person, our superMan instance can speak just like other people – like the damselInDistress. Being the SuperHero that he is, though, superMan also has a super power, an array of saved people and has new methods, savePerson and getLastPerson saved.


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