AS1 OOP: Custom Classes with MovieClips
         by senocular  

Constructor VS Init Object
As you probably know, attachMovie allows you to pass an optional init object in its call. Any properties of this object are then copied into the attached movieclip instance. This can save time and space when adding multiple properties to many consecutively attached movieclips. Here’s a quick example.

// declare init object
defaultValues = {prop: "value", _x: 100 };
// add an 'id' movieclip named movie; it will have
// a prop = "value" and an _x position of 100
this.attachMovie("id", "movie", 1, defaultValues);
trace(movie.prop); // traces "value"
trace(movie._x); // traces 100

This init object acts much like a constructor function might, defining initial values for an instance when its created. With an init object, however, you don’t have much control over those properties and have no means for running methods or other functions/expressions as you would in a constructor. Whatever values are included in the init object, are those given directly to the movieclip without any other direction.

Class constructors give you more control with your data in object creation, but with movieclips and registered classes, you run into a problem. That problem is that there is no means of passing arguments to a class constructor when its run for a movieclip. For other non-movieclip objects, values are passed through the constructor call in creating the object instance. With movieclips however, since they are created in the timeline or through attachMovie, there is no place to pass values to serve as arguments of your movieclip’s class constructor. About the closest thing you have is the init object (which obviously is only available when using attachMovie and not relying on the timeline).

The init object of attachMovie has its properties copied to the movieclip before its constructor is run. Because of this, you can essentially use it to pass parameters of sorts to your constructor only they aren’t necessarily passed. They’re more pre-defined in the movieclip itself than passed in the local scope of the constructor function. That being the case, you may need remove un-necessary values passed in this manner. Here’s an example where that may be the case.

Helper = function(){
if (this.status == "inactive"){
this._alpha = 50;
delete this.status;
Helper.prototype = new MovieClip();
Object.registerClass("helperClip", Helper);

screenStatus = "inactive";
this.attachMovie("helperClip", "helper1", 1, { status: screenStatus } );
trace(helper1._alpha); // traces 50
trace(helper1.status); // traces undefined

Helper instances here are movieclips who have a transparency based on a certain ‘screenStatus’ when created. For the constructor to receive this value, it was passed as a value in an init object (defined directly in the attachMovie call). As an init object though, that status variable is defined directly in the attached Helper movieclip – something you may not want in that movieclip. If its not wanted, it will need to be removed, as is the case in this example where status is deleted at the end of the constructor call.


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