Scripting 3D in Flash
      by senocular

Shape Movement vs. Camera Offset
Let's do a really quick example exemplifying this, contrasting shape movement and movement through the use of a camera. Here, we'll have a single figure, Joe, back in space along the z axis and then using figure movement and camera movement, contrast between the two.

[ offsetting with 'Joe' and the camera ]

There are two parts to this example. The first is with normal movement of the figure back and forth and the other is with the figure still and the camera moving back and forth. The figure movement is nothing new - the only difference there is the inclusion of a centered "theScene" movieclip to prevent the need for an offsetting origin object. The camera movement, however, is a bit different altogether. Here's how it's set up:

Steps to Create Animation

  1. We have the same setup here as the previous examples. Joe is our figure movieclip and he, like anything else in any 3D space will need his variables set. These are your normal x, y and z values so its pretty straight forward. Joe, however, is contained within the new theScene movieclip so he'll need to be referenced through that.

  1. Following Joe, the camera is set up. The camera is just an object much like a point object. It has its own x, y and z properties to determine its position only its position is the position of the view itself and not something in the view. Along with the x, y and z, the focalLength, dir and speed can also be defined here, each which relate to the camera.

  1. Finally, the definition of the onEnterFrame function. This will move the camera and position Joe in the screen based on that movement. What that movement really translates to is movement of Joe, or an offset for Joe. Now, the trick is that the camera position is opposite of real position. If, for example, the camera moves 5 spaces towards a figure in space or +5 spaces in the z axis, it would be analogous to the figure moving forward 5 spaces towards the camera view or -5 in z.

Conclusion? They are in fact identical. With this, you are able to have a camera, or your view, easily move in a 3D scene just by having it represent an offset for your other objects in your scene!

 WARNING! Being Cautious of z Positioning Limits
You should make an effort not to let your z values go below 0, or at least not too far below 0. Beyond 0, you have a cushion there of your focal length value. After that, think of what happens to the equation that determines your scale ratio:

scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength+z);

Once z is below -focalLength, your scaleRatio will be negative and actually start to go back up, at least in terms of absolute value. What you'll have then is flipped figures going back in the opposite direction. If, by chance, you have a situation where objects will need be positioned far back in z depth, or that's just the way they end up moving, you would then want to either stop calculations on those objects or just hide them all together so they don't pop in out of no where on the screen upside-down and moving backwards etc.


Simple Car Racing With a Camera
Putting the camera to use in something practical isn't hard. It's just a matter of taking what was done previously and adding a concept to it. This implementation turns camera movement into the context of being a race car. This will show movement of the camera back and forth as well as side to side.

[ simple car racing with camera movement. arrow keys to move ]

Steps to Create Animation

  1. All imagery in this example aside from the ground will be dynamic and added at runtime rather than placed on the screen manually. This includes both the car images and the tires that define the track. Both the car movieclip and tire movieclip are created beforehand and given linker ID's in the library so they can be attached in code while the ground is just a square gradient box on the screen.


  1. Now we set up the scene movieclip for everything 3D (the cars and outlining tires) to exist in. Since everything in 3D is attached dynamically, this makes it easy to create the scene clip as an empty movieclip an just attach things within that. After making it, be sure to center it on the screen. Centered in this example is right at the top of the box representing the ground. The top of this box is also the horizon for the scene. Also added will be a depth variable to help in regulating depths for those attached clips since there are quite a few.

  1. In the first example, multiple clips were moved in 3D space and each were given their own onEnterFrame event for their movement. In the drawn box example, an array was created to contain all the points of the box that needed to be moved in the space. Here, again we are dealing with multiple clips, but instead of assigning them each their own separate onEnterFrame event, they can all be put into an array when created much like the points in the drawn box, thereby making it a little easier to work with. We'll call this array the objectsInScene array. Simply define that along with the rest of the setup variables.

  1. Next the camera is defined. This will act as the car being driven as it is from the car point of view you are seeing the scene. This will include the camera's position, velocity (as a car) and focal length.

  1. Functions will now have to be set up to display and control how the cars and tires behave in the scene. Both, however, will still follow the same concept of offsetting by the camera's position and moving and scaling based on those calculated values as outlined in the following lines

    this x = this.x - cameraView.x;
    this y = this.y - cameraView.y;
    this z = this.z - cameraView.z;
    this scaleRatio = focalLength/(focalLength + z);
    this._x = x * scaleRatio;
    this._y = y * scaleRatio;
    this._xscale = this._yscale = 100 * scaleRatio;

    The second portion, starting with the scaleRatio, can be easily consolidated into a single function to avoid redundancy in the car and tire functions. Otherwise, each function will determine their x, y and z and react based on them. Cars, for example, move back in the z (increasing their z value) as to drive away from you. Also, when you pass them, they'll be repositioned ahead as to act as cars further down the track. Tires react similarly, reappearing in the distance to loop and be re-used again in the road definition.

  1. With these methods defined, we can now physically add the cars and tires to the scene. For this, a for loop will be used to loop through and add the appropriate number of cars or tires needed. In this loop your basic x, y and z properties are assigned as well as a function called display which will be assigned to be either one of the displayCar or displayTire functions defined above depending on whether or not a car or tire is being attached. Its display function that will be called for the clip every frame for each object on the scene - kind of acting as each objects onEnterFrame. And they are of course accessed using the objectsInScene array so each attached clip will be added to that as well.

  1. Now its just a matter of setting up the function that will be used to run as the onEnterFrame. This will serve to do two things. One, it will move the camera based on pressing the arrow keys and secondly, it will loop through all the objects in the objectsInScene array and call each of their display methods which position them correctly on the screen.


 WARNING! Deleting From the objectsInScene Array
When looping through the array of the objects in the scene, you may come across a situation where you will need to remove an object from the scene all together and therefore from the objectsInScene array too. The racing example loops and reuses its objects so that wasn't necessary in that example, but you can imagine the need easily existing. Doing this removal within the looping process of the array when looping through in an ascending order, however, will cause the next object in the array to be skipped since it will shift into the position of the element you've just removed. The looping, though, will then proceed to the next element in the array thinking the current position, which would then be what would have been the next position, had already been processed.

To get around this problem, all you need to do is loop in an descending order starting with the last element in the array first. Then, if the current object needs removal from the array, when it is removed, the shifting will be from an element that had already been looped through. This is most easily done with a while loop in the following manner:

var i = objectsInScene.length;
while (i--){ ... }

Though using a for loop starting from the array length down to 0 will also suffice.


Example the Last for Camera Movement and Space
We can take the car example a bit further and add in vertical movement along with the left and right. A simple addition of easing and you can get a nice effect of moving through space - here, being able to pull yourself through the distance ahead of you by clicking on a star.

[ pulling the camera through space; click on a star to go there ]


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