3D in Flash
         by senocular

Exploring 3D in Flash
The first thing you should know about 3D and Flash is that there is no 3D in Flash. Well, not supported 3D at least. Web-based authoring tools such as Director (as of Director-shockwave 8.5), Cult3D and Anark support 3D natively and make it easy to incorporate 3D elements into web-based movies. Flash, on the other hand, does not. What Flash does know is how to display vector shapes on the screen and how to calculate math expressions. With that, we can fake 3D. Generally this revolves around 2 methods of faking. One is by creating a real 3D scene in a program outside of Flash and bringing in a pre-rendered 3D animation which is to be displayed frame-by-frame as though a movie. The other is dynamic creation of mathematically calculated 3D from scratch through Actionscript. And that's what this tutorial is about to explain.

On the pre-rendered side of things, if you want to go that route, you have solutions such as Swift3D and Plasma. What these products do is render out 3D scenes you build within their programs which are then exported into swf files, movie files such as .avi and .mov, or some other format like sequences of images which can then be imported and manipulated within Flash. Actually, as swf files, you may not even need to use Flash at all if the final results meet your needs (Plasma, for example, is a very well developed authoring environment where you may never need to touch Flash to create a fully functional Flash movie). These products, though, do all the hard low down and dirty work of 3D animation and rendering reducing the need of Flash to doing nothing more than simply playing frames of an animation. These products are a great solution for 3D animated loops or movies, but given their linearity, it can greatly limit the level of interactivity you may want, or for that matter need, to incorporate into your desired 3D effect. In other words, there's little you can do with that kind of 3D once it starts playing. Everything is pre-rendered and therefore can't be changed while playing in the Flash player.

The good news is that any kind of 3D rendering and 3D calculations of the sort, like those handled in Swift3D or Plasma, are all based in math - and Flash knows math! What this means is that we can put our brains to work and, from the ground up, use Flash Actionscript to create basic 3D using the fundamental math that such 3D rendering is based upon. We can then generate our own vector shapes using those calculations and Flash's drawing API (or even other movieclips) to give the impression that there is an actual 3D object present in your Flash movie. Flash itself, however, won't actually know it's doing anything in 3D. It only sees math and some moving of movieclips on the screen or some drawing operations. What the user sees, on the other hand, is an amazing display of your technical prowess and an exquisite rendition of an (albeit simple) rendered 3D form! It's here where you can learn just that.

So the big issue that needs to be addressed with the whole lack of 3D support in Flash deal is that need to start from scratch. This doesn't make 3D any easier to a Flash developer, and to be honest with you, it's not at all easy to contend with, not at first, and especially if you are unfamiliar with the math needed to make it happen. Depending on how functional your 3D scene is required to be, the math involved can be quite taxing; not only in terms of calculations for the already not-so-nimble Flash player, but also for you, the developer, in trying to make it work in the first place. What this tutorial will try to do, however, is make that mathematical road to 3D in Flash as easy as possible.

The Application of 3D
There are many different degrees of 3D you can implement into a your Flash movie. This can range anywhere from a simple zoom in and out of a movieclip to a fully dynamically drawn spinning 3D object. Anything too complex is usually impractical in Flash since Flash can't really handle too much. After all, you are making this 3D from scratch. The following will start with the basics and walk through implementations of 3D in Flash starting with the basic zoom working its way to a rendered spinning shape.

Simple Static 3D View
Your basic 3D from a normal, static view revolves entirely around one concept, perspective scaling. What that is, is the idea of having a position and scale of a shape on the screen react based on its theoretical position away from the screen itself; the away aspect being its 3D positioning. With normal 2D positioning on the screen, which Flash is normally based upon, you are always the same distance away from the screen, or really, directly on the screen so to say. With that, the only direction movement for anything in this depthless space is either left and right along the horizontal or x axis or up and down along the vertical or y axis. Movement towards and away from the screen is would be moving along an inconspicuous z axis which, normally, isn't seen as, in a normal 2D view, you are looking directly down on it.

[ the unseen z axis goes back in space ]

Technically, in Flash, that z axis doesn't even really exist. Flash only knows for itself the x and y axes (axes is plural for axis). It is then up to you to make a z axis and make Flash recognize it as being there. It's that needed z axis where the perspective scaling comes to play.

Now, because you are conceptually looking down on or into the z axis given your default view in x and y, you have no real visual means of detecting movement within that span normally. For that movement to be distinguishable, you'd need to take appropriate measures to make it apparent setting those visual clues. The two main techniques for showing that change is scale and overlapping.

Interpretation of Scale Through Z
Within terms of reality, as any shape in a real 3D space moves away from you, its size, at least to your eye, gets smaller. When moving closer, shapes get bigger. The same not only applies in size alone, but also in distances traveled in other directions. For instance, if a man far off in the distance (who looks very small to you because this distance) begins walking to the left, the distance to your eye that he seems to travel also seems very small. Conversely, if a man very close to you (looking very large) was to walk left, that distance would seem much greater in comparison. Given that, it can be safely assumed that the further away an object is in 3D space, or the greater its value back along that z axis, the smaller that object is in both size and in its rate of movement along the x and y axes. Easy right?

Earlier I confessed that 3D was difficult in Flash and the math behind it was rough. That's still true. However, at this point in time, with this application of 3D I'm about to show you, the math behind it all is going to be quite easy, and yet, a fairly decent 3D effect will still be achieved. All it entails is developing a percent of scale from which to alter a shape's scaling for size and position or movement. That percent will be based on a set z value - the value kept to determine how far back in 3D space, or how far along the z axis, a shape in that 3D space is positioned. Sound familiar? Good, because it should. This is all discussed in the Perspective in Flash tutorial. If you haven't read it, you might want to take a look.

Scaling alone won't always do it though. If there is more than one 3D object in question moving around along that z axis, you'll need to make sure that together they all correctly overlap each other to show correctly who's closest and 'on top'. This is the adjustment of transposition or overlapping. I'm happy to report that this is easy. Transposition, like the perspective scaling, is based on the z value. In Flash, the swapDepths method allows you to control the transposition or arrangement of movieclips on the screen. This method can be used with other movieclips specifically or a target numerical value. It's the numerical value that is of interest here. A higher numerical depth value puts a movieclip above other movieclips with a lower depth value. This makes it easy to say swapDepths to the z value and be done with it! And that really is about it; instant transpositioning. There is, however, one complication with that. Given the z axis that we'll have, when you go back in space, further away from the screen, the z value increases becoming larger. So z basically represents the distance away from you; a high z is far away, a low z is close. What would happen if swapDepths was used directly with the z value? Since shapes further back in space have higher z values, they would actually be put on top of those shapes closer with smaller z values. That's actually the opposite of the desired outcome. To fix this, all you'd need to do is reverse the z value (as in negative z). So now, when using the swapDepths with a -z, the distant shapes have a smaller value and get placed below those in front.

 SUGGESTION: Raising the Bar for Depths
Just using a -z as a swapDepths value puts most if not all your depths at negative values. If you're uncomfortable with this or just want to set your range of depths at something more positive, instead of using swapDepths(-z), you can add in a high positive number to make sure the depth starts off at least that high, like swapDepths(10000-z).


 WARNING! Conflicting Depths
Any movieclip in Flash, or really, any screen object such as movieclips, buttons and textfields, cannot share the same depth in any given timeline. For example, if you have two movieclips A and B, A cannot be set to be the same depth that B currently lies in. Actually it can be, but in setting that depth, B will be knocked out of that depth and by default, Flash will just put B in the depth that A came out from.

That being the case, setting a movieclip to to have a depth (using swapDepths) that another movieclip currently exists in will ultimately just literally swap the depths of those two movieclips as if the other movieclip was passed in swapDepths and not a number. This reaction may lead to some unusual overlapping if shapes in your 3D space share the same z and try to swap to the same depth. Usually, however, this isn't a problem - or at least not one that is necessary to always address.

The Origin
Representations of 3D on your computer screen are all based on the 3 axis coordinate system (x,y and z) around its origin or center point. This is the point (0,0,0) - a 0 value for each x, y and z. The way Flash is set up in 2D, the (0,0) point for x and y, or 2D origin, is located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. For 3D, the (0,0,0) point would then too be in the upper left-hand corner of the screen as well. Being there, though, would mean that the viewer would be looking at the 3D scene you've made for yourself at an odd angle. What you need to do is center that scene for a straight-on view. In 2D space, for example, you always work not all around 0,0 but somewhere off to the right and down towards the center of the screen. Similarly, the same will have to be done with any 3D scene you make, otherwise you will be looking at things from an odd angle. Straightening things up require having to manually shift that origin position to the center of the screen so that the 3D scene can be seen head on and not at an angle. Just as in 2D, though, this is simply a matter of throwing in an offset value for both x and y. When you want a movieclip in 2D to be in the center of the view, you set its _x and _y values to a position in the center of the screen. To get a 3D scene in the center of the screen, you'd do the same.


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