Hello and welcome to my tutorial! In
this tutorial you'll be learn about AJAX, a new and powerful
technique in web development. AJAX stands for Asynchronous
JavaScript And XML. What does that mean? It means that you
can change the content on your page without reloading? Need
an example? Click on the button below:
The Basic
AJAX Structure Basic AJAX is normally
composed of three JavaScript functions:
A function that
creates an http request
A function that calls the http
request and submits it,
A function that handles the information
sent back to the page.
So here are the three functions in
their less than functional glory:
var url=
[ Put this in your favorite text editor and
save it as 'ajax.html' ]
Let's Break the Code Down!
The first line
declares a function called xmlHttp. This will be used to
house our request. The function 'ajax()' is the function
you'll want to call when making a request. We'll break this
function up and get to the other two in the process.
first line in the function calls createRequest(). Internet
Explorer handles the request differently than Firefox or
Netscape or any of those browsers. So we start off by
sniffing for IE by seeing if it has ActiveX Objects. If so we make xmlHttp a new
object. Otherwise, if it's something else, we make xmlHttp a
new XMLHttpRequest() which is just a built in object we need
to use.
Now, back to our ajax() function. We make a variable
called 'url' and make it equal to 'ajax2.php'. We also declare
a variable 'test' initialized to 'hello!'. You'll need to set
this to be whatever page you are planning on calling. After that we
get to the bones and muscles of AJAX.
xmlHttp.open will
open up a http connection. We declare that we want to use a
'GET' method, the page is 'url' (our variable), and we want
to to be asynchronous, so we put in 'true'. Next, we specify
that when the ready state (not loaded, loading, loaded, etc)
changes, call StateChange(). In StateChange(), we say that
if the state is 4 (loaded), it is time to alert the text that the
file called by the http request is ready. The last line in
our ajax() function just
says that we're sending null to the other page (this would
be not null for POST requests, but for GET it's
always null).
A question you may have is how do I
get information from my second page? Using our example, our
script connects to a page
and then alerts the information it sends back. But how does
the information get there? Simple. Any text that is output on our second page is automatically sent to our
first page in the form of responseText. Remember that from
our code? Now put this into a file and call it 'ajax2.php'.
$vari = $_GET['test'];
echo $vari;
This isn't a PHP tutorial, but if you don't know what
this does, it simply GETs the variable 'test' from our
string and prints it to the screen. Now what will happen is
our script will connect to the PHP page and send the word
'hello!' which will alert it.
So here is the final code for ajax.html:
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
here to AJAX it up">
Test it out and you should have your very first AJAX
application. Of course there's much more you can do with
AJAX. This was just a beginners lesson. Maybe if you bug me
enough I can make a more advanced one.
Well I hope that you've followed along and understood. If
you have any questions/comments you can email me at
blazes816[at]yahoo.com or PM me (blazes) on the