Data Binding to XML Data - Page 8
       by kirupa  |  22 January 2008

In the previous page, we wrapped up the tutorial by covering the last major piece of the puzzle which was making our results look nice. In this page, let's take a quick review of everything that was done and revisit things that may have been confusing or not covered adequately.

As with all of these long tutorials, I feel it is good to take a step back and get a birds-eye view of what you did. This allows you to put all of the various steps together to see more completely how you went from Page 1 to, in the case of this tutorial, Page 8.

In order for your application to know about your XML data, you first need to add your XML file to a data source. Once you have created the data source, the next big step is for you to pick a control that will be used to display your XML data.

For this tutorial, I choose to use a listbox, but you can use any control that you want. The amount of data you will be able to display will vary between, for example a listbox and a simple label, but you can choose the right control depending on how much of your data you want to expose to the user. Because my XML file has lots of data that can be consolidated as individual items in a control such as listbox, I went with that instead.

Once you have your control, you can use data binding to take your data and display it in your control using data templates. There are two ways of doing that. The first way is via the Create Data Template window where you have a graphical interface to pick and choose which parts of your XML file you want to see:

[ your Create Data Template window allows you to pick which data to show ]

This view is really nice because you can choose the nodes that you want, and you can also specify the control that will be displaying your data. Notice that all of the text based content is being stored in TextBlocks and data containing children is stored in StackPanels. The choice of what control will display what content is made by default, but fortunately, you have the ability to override the default choices and make changes manually. From this view, if you changed the StackPanels to Grids, you wouldn't have had to manually change the layout from StackPanel to Grid like you did in the previous page when editing the ItemTemplate.

There is a major problem with this view, though. The changes you make to your new data template only apply once. You have no way of making modifications to a date template you already created by using the Create Data Template functionality. You can create a new data template or select an existing data template, but you cannot edit an existing data template you may have created using this view earlier. That's too bad, for this view does make quick work of complicated amounts of data.

Fortunately, a more flexible solution involving editing our control's Generated Items (ItemTemplate) exists. While it may not be the easiest way to setup a data binding, it is clearly the best way to make modifications after a binding has been made. You have almost infinite (bounded by WPF of course!) control over the changes you want to make. By editing the ItemTemplate, you were able to display only one image as the thumbnail, and you also got to customize and rearrange all of your content in just the way you wanted.

Data Templates, Item Templates, etc.
After setting up your binding, you used the Create Data Template window to create a DataTemplate to specify which pieces of data you wanted. From that same window, you also picked the controls that will be hosting your data. Later on, when it came to making more modifications, you edited your listbox's ItemTemplate. I casually made it seem like what you did earlier with the data templates was essentially the same thing as what you are now doing with item templates.

The answer is that, yes - both item templates and data templates are pretty much the same thing. Let's look at them both in greater detail. When you first setup your binding, what you saw was a large collection of strings displayed in your listbox:

[ not a nice way of presenting XML data to our user ]

A data template is kind of like an intermediary. It positions itself between the data and what gets displayed on the screen. Different controls take advantage of data templates by using properties of type DataTemplate. For example, our listbox is a type of ItemsControl, and an items control uses the ItemTemplate property which is of type DataTemplate. Other controls use their own template type that is also based on DataTemplate. So, as you can see, the terminology is different, but the idea behind data templates and their derived types such as ItemTemplate, ContentTemplate, etc. are all the same. They allow you to customize what gets displayed on the screen given a data source.

Download Source Files
If you are interested in seeing how the application I created for this tutorial looks like, feel free to download the source files shown below:

Download Source Files

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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