Data Binding to XML Data - Page 7
       by kirupa  |  22 January 2008

In the previous page, we finally got rid of the second image and got a brief glimpse at how you can use XPath to more precisely select the data that you want. In this page, we'll do something much easier by rearranging and formatting how our data is currently displayed.

Customizing the Look of the Results
For the past six pages, we've focused on getting the right data displayed into your listbox. Now, it's time to put our designer hats on and rearrange our existing data more nicely. Currently, you should still be editing your ItemTemplate, and you probably still have your ItemsControl selected.

[ you should still be editing your listbox's ItemTemplate ]

First, let's simply reposition the controls so that everything isn't vertically stacked. In order to do that, let's flatten our hierarchy of controls by placing them all under one parent. You can do that by dragging each nested element (contained in its own stack panel) and dropping it onto our root StackPanel layout control.

Your Objects and Timeline panel should look like the following:

[ what your Objects and Timeline panel looks like ]

Notice that all of our elements are now rooted by a single stack panel. You will now also have the two empty stack panels, so select them both and delete them. Be careful to expand the stack panels to make sure they don't contain any children. The goal is to get rid of the extraneous Stack Panels only. We want to preserve any controls they host.

 You will now see just one Stack Panel and all of your child controls displayed below it:

[ flatten your tree by moving all nested children to the parent ]

Our next order of business is to replace our stack panel with something more customizable...such as a Grid. To do that easily, right click on the [StackPanel], and from the menu that appears, go to Change Layout Type and select Grid:

[ change the Layout Type from StackPanel to Grid ]

Once you have done that, you now have full freedom to resize and reposition your individual elements as you want. For example, the following is how I arranged the controls inside the grid:

[ making simple layout changes is now easier now that your parent control is a Grid ]

As you are resizing your Grid, you may find that your ItemsControl (which hosts the Image control used for displaying the image) simply takes up more and more space. To avoid that, select your ItemsControl and simply use the adorners to resize it. Because its size was originally set to Auto, resizing it will give it a fixed width and height so that you have space to work with without your ItemsControl taking all of it up!

Also, the buffer between your current entry and the next entry in the listbox is determined by the size of your parent Grid element. As you see above, the wide yellow outline surrounding my shape corresponds to the size of my Grid in the listbox. Because each item in our listbox is identical with the exception of the data it is displaying, all of your listbox items will contain the same width and height as the Grid you are currently working in.

Finally, feel free to go creative on what you see now and modify the type of font, coloring, etc. as you want. For example, I changed the font size, added a Drop Shadow bitmap effect to my ItemsControl, and I deleted the text field corresponding to genre:

[ this looks a lot better than what you saw a few pages ago - progress is being made! ]

Phew! We are almost done with this tutorial. In this page we wrapped up all that we set out to do. In the next page, let's take a review of what we did and tie up any loose ends.

Onwards to the next page.

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