Random Movement in AS3 - Page 5

by kirupa  |  24 December 2010

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In the previous page, you started to get a better understanding of the things the BlueCircle class does. In this page, we put words into code and explain how what you learned in the previous page applies to what is actually in your BlueCircle class.

Looking at the Code behind the Magic
The function that is responsible for getting our circles to move at each frame tick is MoveCircle, and that is largely also because this function is the event handler for the enterFrame event:

private function MoveCircle(e:Event)
this.previousDistance = this.currentDistance;
this.currentDistance = this.GetDistance();
if (this.currentDistance < this.previousDistance)
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;

The first two lines are pretty interesting:

previousDistance = this.currentDistance;
currentDistance = this.GetDistance();

What I am trying to do with these two lines is get a gauge for whether the circle has reached its target or not. The way I do that is by measuring how far my circle has to go now compared to how far it had to go a frame ago. That is done by using two variables (previousDistance and currentDistance) to cycle an old and new value between each other. When the circle is approaching its target, its current distance will be less than its previous distance from earlier because one would assume that it has moved towards target in that frame. Using these two values, I can gauge whether the circle has reached its destination or not. This approach is similar to what I employ in the Detecting Direction of Mouse Movement in AS3 tutorial.

In the first line, I set previousDistance's value to be what the value of currentDistance was earlier. In the next line, I set the currentDistance variable's value to the current distance between where the circle is and where it goes. That is calculated via the GetDistance function. Let's look at that next:

private function GetDistance():Number
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x - this.newX,2) + Math.pow(this.y - this.newY,2));

The GetDistance function returns the distance between two points...Pythagorean style. I am not going to describe the Pythagorean theorem in this article, but just know that it is what is used to find a straight line distance given two x,y coordinates. What I am doing is providing the net horizontal and vertical coordinates.

If everything goes as planned, each time this function is called, the distance will be a little bit less than what it was earlier because your circle is hopefully getting closer to your destination.

Ok, let's go back to our MoveCircle function:

if (currentDistance < previousDistance)
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;

There is an if statement that checks whether the value of currentDistance is less than previousDistance. This is done to ensure that you are still making progress towards reaching the destination. As long as your circle is approaching its destination, this answer will always be true.

When this statement is true, we increment the current X and Y position by the speedX and speedY values:

if (currentDistance < previousDistance)
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;

You will see more about the speedX and speedY variables shortly.

When the if statement is false, we call the SetNewPosition function:

if (currentDistance < previousDistance)
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;

The false will occur only when currentDistance is greater than or equal to the value stored by previousDistance. Do you know when something like that happens? A situation like this happens when our circle has reached its destination and is now moving past it. The moment that happens, this if statement will trigger a false and the SetNewPosition will get called.

The SetNewPosition function is pretty awesome in its own way, so let's take a look at that on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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