Tweening with Code - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  10 August 2008

In the previous page, you created the simple application that uses the Tween class to animate a circle. We were in the process of learning why the code works the way it does, so let's pick up where we left off and continue our coverage of the code.

var xMovement:Tween;
var yMovement:Tween;

In these two lines, I am declaring two variables called xMovement and yMovement who are both of type Tween. As you will see very soon, the Tween class plays a crucial role in creating the animation that you see when the circle follows the location of your mouse click.

function moveToClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
xMovement = new Tween(tweenMC, "x", Back.easeIn, tweenMC.x, mouseX, 1, true);
yMovement = new Tween(tweenMC, "y", Back.easeIn, tweenMC.y, mouseY, 1, true);

In this line, we initialize the xMovement variable you declared earlier and set it equal to a new Tween object whose constructor takes in a whopping seven arguments. Don't let the quantity of them scare you though. They actually map really well to what you already know when tweening using the timeline.

To help us out, let's look at the following diagram that labels some of the key points you interacted with or noticed when animating using the timeline:

The Tween class's constructor takes the following arguments:

  1. Target Object
    The instance name of the movie clip that you are interested in animating.
  2. Target Property
    The actual property of your target object that will be animated.
  3. Easing Function
    The type of easing you want to employ while your animation is in progress.
  4. Start Value
    What your target property's value will be at the starting point.
  5. End Value
    What your target property's value will be at the end point.
  6. Duration
    How long or how many frames your animation will run for.
  7. Measure Duration in Seconds?
    Specify whether you want duration to be measured in terms of seconds or individual frames.

You can see all of the above in use in the initialization of our xMovement object:

xMovement = new Tween(tweenMC, "x", Back.easeIn, tweenMC.x, mouseX, 1, true);

The target object is tweenMC, the target property is x, the easing function is Back.easeIn, start value is tweenMC.x, end value is mouseX, duration is 1, and the duration is measured in seconds (true).

To look at this in a different way, you are animating your tweenMC movie clip's x property from its current x position to the x position of your mouse click. Your animation will end in 1 second, and there is a slight easing in effect where you lean back before getting to your final destination.

yMovement = new Tween(tweenMC, "y", Back.easeIn, tweenMC.y, mouseY, 1, true);

Our code for the yMovement is almost identical as our code for xMovement. The only major change is related to animating the y property instead of the x property that you saw earlier and altering our starting and ending values to take the y position of our movie clip and click location into account.

Easing Functions
One of the arguments you passed in to your Tween constructor is an easing function. The one that your code uses is Back.easeIn. I am not going to discuss easing in detail in this tutorial, but if you look in your fl.motion.easing package, you can see all of the various easing classes you can use: Back, Bounce, Circular, Cubic, Elastic, Exponential, Linear, Quadratic, Quartic, Quintic, and Sine.

Each of these easing classes provides you with three easing function that you can use, and they are easeIn, easeInOut, and easeOut. While these functions can be tweaked by passing in four more arguments, I'm sure you're probably tired of arguments by now! You can just do what I did and link an easing class with an easing function and ignore the arguments for now.

Examples of such links include Back.easeIn, Bounce.easeOut, Elastic.easeInOut, and thirty more such combinations.

Wrapping Up
All right! You are done with this tutorial. Hopefully this helped you get a better idea of how to use the Tween class to create animations using code. One of my goals with this tutorial is to show you the similarities that exist when creating an animation using code and the timeline.

You are not using any new concepts in either scenario. You are mapping what you already know about animations and using drag/drop gestures on the timeline and English-like words in code. The end result is something very similar!

To see how my example was created, feel free to download the final source from the following location:

Download Final Source

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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