Draw using the InkCanvas - Page 4
       by kirupa  |  10 February 2008

In the previous page, you wrapped up work on the drawing attributes-related changes and saw how to measure pressure data. In this page, let's cover a scenario based on real-life...using the eraser!

Using the Eraser
Drawing strokes is one part of what you can do with the ink canvas. The other part is erasing what you have drawn. There are two ways for you to erase. You can either erase by point or erase by stroke. Let's look at both of those options first.

Erasing by Point
The first erasing mode we'll look at is called erase by point. This is probably the more traditional erasing method that you are familiar with, and you can enable that by fiddling with your ink canvas's EditingMode:

DrawingBoard.EditingMode = InkCanvasEditingMode.EraseByPoint;

When you set your ink canvas's EditingMode to the InkCanvasEditingMode enum's EraseByPoint value, you erase your strokes much like you would using a pencil eraser:

[ EraseByPoint works like a traditional, real-world eraser ]

EraseByPoint erases strokes only in the area covered by your eraser when you click and drag.

Erasing by Stroke
EraseByPoint is great for making minor touchups, but if you want to make more extensive stroke deletions, you can also use EraseByStroke. A stroke is essentially a continuous collection of points aka a line that makes up your drawing. By erasing the entire stroke, the entire line is removed also.

For example, here is how your stroke looks before you begin to erase:

[ now you see a line ]

After you simply press down on your mouse to begin the erasing, notice that the entire stroke now disappears:

[ with one click, line is all gone! ]

As you can see, erasing by stroke is a much more efficient way of quickly cleaning up what you drew compared to the click and drag erasing by stroke approach. The main disadvantage is that when erasing by stroke, you lose the precision you would have if you erased the points individually instead using EraseByPoint.

Changing Eraser Size/Shape
If you want quickly erase a lot of content, the default eraser size may not be the best one for you. You do have a way of editing the cursor size for your eraser when editing by point by using the EraserShape property of your ink canvas control.

The two eraser shapes you can use are EllipseStylusShape and RectangleStylusShape. Both of these shapes allow you to specify a width and height, and they have an optional third parameter that takes rotation into account.

For example, the following is my code for setting a new eraser whose width and height is 10 pixels:

DrawingBoard.EraserShape = new RectangleStylusShape(10, 10);

Just like in real life, a larger eraser allows me to erase more with a single swipe than a smaller one. You can change the eraser size to suit your needs. It's great when the real world and the virtual world come together like this! =)

There are more customizations to cover, so let's continue on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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