Draw using the InkCanvas - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  10 February 2008

In the previous page, you got an introduction to this tutorial and setup your application by inserting an InkCanvas control. In this page, let's start to look the various ink-specific modifications you can make to your application.

Setting your Control up for Access via Code
Many of the modifications you will make need to be done via code where you change your ink canvas's properties while your application is running. Go back to Blend, go to your Objects and Timeline panel, right click your InkCanvas control, select Rename from the context menu, and give your control the name DrawingBoard:

[ give your InkCanvas control the name DrawingBoard ]

Ok - that's all you need to on the Blend side of things. Giving your ink canvas a name allows you to easily reference it from code. The rest of this tutorial will provide you with code snippets to help you in take the default functionality further.

Customizing the Ink Canvas Results
The next, and probably more important, part of using an ink canvas is modifying its various properties. The following sections outline common modifications you would want to make and the code needed to make them.

For all of the code I provide, copy and paste it after your InitializeComponent call in your code-behind file. You should be using Visual Studio 2008 / C# Express for all of the coding work.

Changing InkCanvas Stroke Size
When you are drawing, you are assigned a default size for your pen strokes. In fact, default choices are made for you without any extra work on your part. Despite what it may seem like, that isn't a bad thing. Those default values are stored in what is known as DrawingAttributes. Modifying the DrawingAttributes allows you to change the various properties of what you are drawing, and your stroke size is one such property.

The following is the code for changing your stroke size:

DrawingAttributes inkAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();
inkAttributes.Height = 10;
inkAttributes.Width = 10;
DrawingBoard.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkAttributes;

If you paste the above code in your application, notice that when you draw, your strokes are much wider than what they were before:

[ your strokes now take on a width and height of 10 ]

The code is also very straightforward. I create a new DrawingAttributes object called inkAttributes, and I change its Height and Width property to the size I want my stroke to be:

inkAttributes.Height = 10;
inkAttributes.Width = 10;

The final step with any modification of your drawing attributes is to overwrite your ink canvas's existing drawing attributes:

DrawingBoard.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkAttributes;

As you will see, many of your ink canvas customizations follow a similar pattern where you modify a new drawing attributes object and overwrite your existing drawing attributes with the new one.

Changing InkCanvas Stroke Color
The default color is black. While black is the new blue, there are numerous cases where you would want to actually modify the color of your stokes. The following code snippet shows you how to do that:

DrawingAttributes inkAttributes = new DrawingAttributes();
inkAttributes.Color = Colors.Crimson;
DrawingBoard.DefaultDrawingAttributes = inkAttributes;

Notice that the first and third lines are just the same as what you saw before, but in the middle line, the Color property of your inkAttributes DrawingAttributes object allows you to change your stroke color:

[ such beautiful red-colored art! ]

In the above code, I used the Colors class to choose from a large collection of pre-defined colors. If you want to use colors that aren't predefined, such as your own hex value, you can do that also:

inkAttributes.Color = (Color) ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#00CC99");

I am using the ColorConverter class's ConvertFromString method to take my RGB hex values into an actual form that can be typecast into a Color. The ConvertFromString method also takes the longer ARGB values [ see my blog post on ARGB ] along with some predefined names for the colors such as Blue, Red, Cyan, etc.

There are more customizations to cover, so let's continue on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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