Using Custom Visual States - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  11 September 2009

All of your controls in Silverlight come with pre-defined states. These states allow you to more precisely define what your control does in various situations. For example, a standard button may have different visuals that appear by default, when you mouse over it, or when you click on it:


These states are provided for you, and you get to see and modify them easily in Expression Blend when you edit the button's shown in Page 3 of the Creating Custom Buttons tutorial:

[ the states provided for you when editing a Button's template ]

States defined for you provide another advantage besides easy discoverability inside Blend. The control contains logic that fires the appropriate state as necessary without you having to do any manual wiring of events to a particular state.

All of this is great when you are editing an existing control that has states predefined. If you are creating your own Control (or UserControl), you don't have the same level of hand holding. You have to both define your states and do some additional wiring to make the states active at a given time.

Fortunately, doing all of this on your own is not particularly hard at all. Take a look at the following example where a custom UserControl toggles between a "small" and "large" state when the Toggle Size checkbox below it is clicked:

Get Microsoft Silverlight

[ click on the Play button to see the animation you will be creating ]

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an example similar to what you see above where you create your own usercontrol, define a few states, and learn how to wire up the states using both code as well as behaviors.

Downloading the Starter Project
Because this tutorial is very specific to using custom states, I am not going to have you go through and create an application from scratch. Instead, I am going to provide you with a sample project that will provide a good starting point:

Download Starter Files

Once you have downloaded and extracted the above source files, launch Expression Blend 3 and open the CustomVSMStates project. Your Projects pane will look similar to this once you have opened the project:

[ your Projects pane displays your recently opened project ]

Ok, this seems like a good place to stop. This page took care of introducing the topic and getting you up and running with the sample project. In the next page, let's actually start creating our usercontrol and adding some states.

Onwards to the next page!

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