Creating a WPF App Using Blend - Page 5
       by kirupa  |  30 June 2007

In the previous page, you learned how to add a Button control. In this page, let's make the button more useful by making it do something when it is clicked.

Event Handling and Visual Studio / Visual C# Express Integration
We are done with the visuals of how our application looks like right now. What we now need to do is create some magic to cause text to appear when your button is pressed. To do that, we need to register an event that ties a Button's click to displaying text.

Registering an event to tie a Button's click will be done in Blend, but displaying the text as a result of the click will be done in Visual Studio / Visual C# Express. Let's look at how to do that:

  1. With your button still selected, click on the Events button to the right of the Name field in your Properties panel:

[ press the Events button to view the list of events the Button supports ]

  1. After you clicked on the Events button, your Properties panel will display a list of events your selected Control, in this case your Button, will support:

[ the list of events your Button supports ]

  1. What we want is to display text when the Click event is fired. Select the empty field near the Click event (it should be the first event listed) and type the word DisplayText:

[ add the DisplayText event handler name to the Click event ]

The word DisplayText will be the name of your event handler, so make sure your Click text field has selection/focus, and press Enter.

  1. Once you press Enter with the focus set on DisplayText, Visual Studio / Visual C# Express will launch. If you are asked by Visual Studio / C# Express how you want to open your project, select the option for opening the project normally.

    After a few seconds, you will see the C# code from your application's code-behind file displayed with an empty Event handler method using the name you provided in Blend earlier, DisplayText:

  1. Inside your DisplayText method, add the following line of code:
private void DisplayText(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TextLabel.Content = "I'm all GUI Inside";
  1. Once you have typed that line of code, hit the Save button or press Ctrl + S. Once you have saved your code, switch back to Blend and go to Project | Test or simply hit the F5 button to run your application.

You will start off with a blank window with just a button:

But after you click on the button, the text will display:

Great Success! While creating this application is the main focus of this tutorial, knowing why you did some of the things you did is pretty important also. In the next page, let's look at some of the behind the scenes work that makes your application work on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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