Creating a Preloader and Progress Bar - Page 5
       by kirupa  |  31 May 2008

In the previous page, you downloaded an existing Flash application that loads external content without using a preloader. A few pages before that, you learned how to create a preloader by implementing a progress bar. In this page, we put those together to create a Flash application that uses a preloader to inform users when external content is being loaded.

Putting it all Together
You should have both your imageload.fla application as well as your preloader application open currently in Flash. Switch into your preloader application. You should see your preloaderMC movie clip displayed on the design surface:

[ the only thing your preloader application will have is your preloaderMC movie clip ]

Copy this movie clip by right clicking on it and selecting Copy. Now, with this movie clip copied, switch back into your loadimage.fla application. Insert a new layer between your image and action layers, and give this new layer the name preloader:

[ insert a new layer called preloader between your action and image layers ]

Your preloader layer should be selected. With the preloader selected, press Ctrl + V (or Edit | Paste) to paste your preloader movie clip onto this application. Your design surface will look like the following:

[ paste your preloaderMC movie clip you copied earlier into your preloader layer ]

While your preloader has now been added to this application, it won't work because we haven't actually hooked anything up. If you happen to test your application, the following is what you would see:

[ ...this can't be right! ]

Notice that your image is displayed in the image layer and your preloader is also displayed at the same time. As you can guess, this isn't the behavior we are looking for. What we want is the preloader to display while the image is downloading and then hide the preloader once the image has fully loaded.

This will require you modify the code we have already written. Launch the Actions window again by selecting the keyframe on your action layer in loadimage.fla. You should already have code that powers the image loading, so add the following highlighted lines in the appropriate areas:

var imageLoader:Loader;
function loadImage(url:String):void {
// Show Preloader
preloader.visible = true;
// Set properties on my Loader object
imageLoader = new Loader();
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(url));
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageLoading);
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
// Load Image
// Hide Preloader
preloader.visible = false;
function imageLoading(e:ProgressEvent):void {
// Get current download progress
var loaded:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
// Send progress info to "preloader" movie clip

If you find it too tedious to copy and paste just the lines that have been added, feel free to just copy everything and overwrite what you already have. The end result will be exactly the same.

Test your movie by pressing Ctrl + Enter. You should see your image appear, but you now won't see your preloader. That is good because we don't want the preloader to visible once the image has loaded, but that isn't really helpful because you can't say for sure whether the preloader actually worked or not. The fix is simple. With the preview Flash Player window still running, go to View | Simulate Download:

[ you can simulate your download and adjust the download settings as appropriate ]

Once you have selected the Simulate Download command, notice what you should be seeing. Instead of instantly displaying your image, the Flash Player will pretend that it is running on an internet connection and simulate whatever speed you have specified under Download Settings:

[ you are "downloading" the content! ]

You should now see your progress bar slowly filling up as more of your image is getting "downloaded". Once the progress bar fills up, the preloader disappears and your image makes its appearance.

Learn More: Simulate Download

To learn a bit more about the Simulate Download feature, check out my blog post on this topic.

Wohoo! You now have a working preloader. This is only a part of what this tutorial hopes to cover. In the next page, let's look in greater detail at what exactly the lines of code you added did to make everything just work.

Onwards to the next page!

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