Creating a Preloader and Progress Bar - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  31 May 2008

In the previous page you created the movie clip that houses your preloader and converted two rectangles into two more movie clips for your preloader's base and progress indicator. In this page, we'll wrap up the UI work and add some code that will make our progress indicator actually work.

Right now, you have two movie clips called progressRectangle and preloaderBase located on the Progress and Base layers respectively. What each of these rectangles do not have are instance names that you can use to refer them via code. Let's fix that now.

Select your progressRectangle movie clip and give it the instance name progress:

[ give your progressRectangle movie clip the instance name progress ]

Likewise, select your preloaderBase movie clip and give it the name name base:

[ name your other movie clip, your preloaderBase, as base ]

With your instance names set, it's time to add some code. Revisit your timeline and add a new layer called Action right above the layer marked Progress:

[ your new keyframe will be blank - which is OK ]

Right-click on the blank keyframe on your Action layer and, from the menu that appears, select the Actions menu item. Your Actions window will appear. Into this window, copy and paste the following code:

function SetProgress(value:Number)
progress.width = value*base.width;

Strangely enough, that's all the code required to power your progress bar. To see what exactly you did, let's test it.

Testing the Progress Bar
When you test your app, as you might have expected, nothing will happen. The reason is that you will need to call the SetProgress function first. To do that, let's get out of the preloaderMC movie clip you are currently in and return to our main scene.

You can go back by clicking on the Scene 1 tab in your navigation:

[ return to Scene 1 ]

Now that you are back in Scene 1, lets add some code to call our SetProgress function. First, you need to give your preloaderMC movie clip an instance name. Select it on your design surface - it should be the only thing you have actually, and give it the instance name preloader:

[ give your preloaderMC movie clip the instance name preloader ]

Once you have done that, it's time to add some code to test our preloader out. Right click on the keyframe see in Layer 1 and select Actions. Inside the Actions window, type in the following code:


Run your application by pressing Ctrl + Enter. You should see something similar to the following:

[ your progress bar is at the 50% mark ]

Your preloader displays with the progress indicator at the 50% mark. Now, change your code to set the progress to .2:


When you have done that, test your app. Your preloader will now look like the following:

[ your progress bar is at the 20% mark ]

Do you see a pattern forming? You can pass in any value between 0 and 1, and your progress bar's width will adjust accordingly. In a few pages, you will see how crucial this little "feature" is. But, there is more that needs to done first before you are done.

Onwards to the next page!

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