Creating a Web Service - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  11 August 2006

In the previous page, you got a brief overview of what web services are and the function they provide. In this and the next few pages, you will learn how to create your own web service.

Let's Get Started
The following steps can be reproduced in both Visual Web Developer as well as Visual Studio 2005:

  1. Launch Visual Web Developer or Visual Studio, and go to File | Open | Web Site:

[ go to File | Open | Web Site... ]

  1. Once you selected the link for Web Site, the Open Web Site window should appear. Pick one of the four buttons on the left that corresponds to where your web site is located:

[ pick the location where your web site currently is stored in ]

Because my site is located remotely, I will select Remote Site. The option you pick is entirely based on your Web hosting situation. If you normally test your applications using localhost, then Local IIS is your choice.

  1. Once you have selected your location, you may receiving various prompts for your username and password depending on your choice. In the end, you should see your web site structure displayed in the Solution Explorer panel:

[ the Solution Explorer should show your site's folder structure ]

Ok, so far, we opened our ASP.NET web site, but we really haven't done anything major...yet!

Onwards to the next page.

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