Loading a Random HTML Page Inline - Page 2
kirupa | 20 February 2011
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that you have a working example from following along in the
previous page,
let's start to look at why everything works the way it does
on this page.
start at the very top:
- function
- var
- var
= ['good.htm',
- if
- xmlhttp
- }
- xmlhttp
- }
- xmlhttp.onreadystatechange
function ()
- if
- document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML
- }
- }
- var
- xmlhttp.open("GET",
- xmlhttp.send();
- }
This function is called loadExternalHTMLPage, and inside
it, everything necessary to load your external HTML page
In the first two lines, we are declaring two variables
called xmlhttp and
- var
- var
= ['good.htm',
The xmlhttp variable is pretty boring right now. It is
just declared so that we can reuse it again.
The pagesToDisplay variable stores an array of file paths
that point to the HTML pages you wish to load. You can add
or remove files from here as necessary, and one of these
files will be randomly chosen for display later.
Next up is the code for creating our XMLHttpRequest
- if
- xmlhttp
new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
else {
- xmlhttp
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- }
Notice that in both the true
and false state of the if
statement, your xmlhttp variable gets initialized. The first
case is hit if you are running a browser more modern than
Internet Explorer 7:
- if
- xmlhttp
new XMLHttpRequest();
- }
- }
If you are running in Internet Explorer 5 or 6, the else
case gets called:
- if
- }
- xmlhttp
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
- }
In either case (ha!), you end up setting your xmlhttp
variable to an object capable of handling the HTTP requests
Next up, let's look at the function that gets called
whenever a web request is made to load a new HTML page:
- xmlhttp.onreadystatechange
function ()
- if
4 &&
- document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML
- }
- }
More specifically, this function is an event handler that
gets called every time the
onreadystatechange event gets fired. The
onreadystatechange event gets called every time you interact
with your XMLHttpRequest object.
The case we care about is when the request has been made
/ response is ready (readyState = 4), and the page we are
loading exists (status = 200):
- xmlhttp.onreadystatechange
- if
- document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML
- }
- }
As long as those two conditions exist, all that is left
is to load the response into the HTML element whose ID you
specify as the argument to
- document.getElementById("contentArea").innerHTML
The response, stored by xmlhttp.responseText is the
actual HTML of the page you are planning on loading. The ID
of the element in our case is one that is called
To summarize this function, when a valid request has been
made, a response returned, and the page we want to load
actually exists, we tell our browser to simply go ahead and
download the HTML into
the element you want to load the page into.
We are on a roll here taking about xmlhttp, so I am going to skip the next
line temporarily before returning to it in a little bit.
Note that the earlier function doesn't fire automatically.
The reason, like I mentioned earlier, is
because onreadystatechange
is an event handler whose event needs to be fired. The
firing of that event happens indirectly by the following two lines of code where the actual request is
defined and sent:
- xmlhttp.open("GET",
- xmlhttp.send();
In the first line, we pass in a GET request and specify
the URL of the HTML page we wish to load. The
true argument is used to
specify that you want this request to be made
asynchronously. If you set this value as
false, the request is made
synchronously and your browser will block most operations
until the page you request to load is fully loaded. In
general, you should go with asynchronous unless you really
have a good reason not to.
The second line is important despite its simplicity. It
is this line that takes the request you created in
open one line ago and
passes it off. Once this request is sent off, your
onreadystatechange event gets fired a few times as each part
of your request moves through its paces. One of the times it
fires is the one we are interested in and you saw described
earlier (readyState = 4, status = 200), and when those states
get hit, the page you specified as part of your open
request gets loaded.
Ok, now let's go back to the one line I skipped earlier:
- var
= Math.floor(Math.random()
What I am doing is trying to select a random HTML page
from the array of HTML pages you declared earlier. The first
step is to get the index position of a page in our array,
and that is what this line does.
Once I have the index position, all that is left is to actually retrieve the value in the array it is
pointing to:
- xmlhttp.open("GET",
And with this, you are done looking at the code that
makes all of this work! You aren't done yet though. There
are a few loose ends that need to be covered as well.
If the page you are loading uses
relative paths for content such as images, make sure that
those paths are still valid when that page is loaded into
its final destination. Once your page gets loaded, from your
browser's eyes, it no longer has any interest in where it
came. All paths are resolved based on where your target page
currently is.
Non-inline styles will not travel with your HTML page when
it gets loaded into the parent / target HTML page. Make sure
that any styles that you wish to use are available in the
page your loaded page will end up living in.
One solution is to manually copy any styles and paste it
into your target page. Another solution is to have all of
your styles defined in a stylesheet that you can import in
your target page. While another solution is that you
inline all of your styles, inlining styles is generally
frowned upon by people who generally frown a lot, so don't
do it unless you really have to.
Well, this
wraps up this tutorial. I hope you found learning how to
load a random HTML page quite useful. As you can guess, I am
not much for inspirational conclusions. Go forth and
Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!