Buttons in Flash - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  16 November 2008

In the previous page, you learned how to take some content and make it into a button. As you saw from my example and what you had at the end of the previous page, a button is more than just a container. It needs to provide some feedback beyond the mouse cursor, and it needs to be told what needs to be done.

Defining the Button States
Let's get started with creating the various button states so that you get more visual feedback when you are interacting with your button:

  1. In your stage right now, you have a button. What we are going to do next is specify the look of the button when you mouse over it and when you click on it. To do that, you are going to have leave the root of your stage and actually dive into your button itself.

    To do that, double-click on your button or right click on the button and, from what may be the longest context menu ever seen by humans, select Edit in Place:

[ double click or right-click, Edit in Place to edit your button ]

  1. You will now be inside the button. There are two things that indicate that besides the transition that you see when you select Edit in Place or double click on the button. First, look at your navigation history at the top:

[ the navigation bar shows that you are no longer at the root, Scene 1 ]

Second, look at your timeline. It displays four distinct frames - Normal, Over, Down, and Hit:

[ your timeline when editing a button is different ]

What you are going to do is add content to each of the various frames to indicate when the content will be visible.

  1. When you hover over your button, we want to do two things. We want to display a colored rectangle that goes behind both the image and the text. Second, we want to display a underline below the text. Everything associated with what happens when  you hover over your button goes in the Over frame.

    First, go ahead and add two new Layers below Layer 1. You can do that by Right clicking on Layer 1 and selecting Insert Layer from the menu that appears. Rearrange the layers so that they appear below Layer 1 - the layer that contains your image and text:

[ add new Layers below Layer 1 ]

  1. In order for you to define what happens in the Over frame, you need to insert some keyframes. There are several ways of doing that, but the easiest way is to select all three frames in the Over column, right click, and select Insert Keyframe. Your timeline will now basically look as follows:

[ insert a new keyframe in the Over frame ]

The other approach is to right click on each of the empty frames in the Over frame individually and select Insert Keyframe. Either case, the result will be the same.

  1. Next, select the keyframe in the Over frame in Layer 2 by clicking on it. Anything you draw now will appear only in the Over stage and live in Layer 2. What you are going to draw is a small line directly under your text on the artboard using the Line tool.
    You are trying to simulate an underline, so try to make it look similar to what you see in the following image:

[ draw a straight line to simulate an underline ]

Because you drew your line in the Over frame in Layer 2, the empty keyframe that once lived there is now a solid keyframe:

[ your empty keyframe is now filled in with your underline ]

  1. If you test your application now, you will notice that when you hover over your button, the underline you added appears. Likewise, when you hover out, the button returns to normal.

    Next, what we are going to do is add the colored rectangle that appears behind the image and text when you hover over your button. This is actually as simple as it sounds. Select the empty keyframe under Over in Layer 3. Draw a small colored rectangle that is large enough to contain the image and the text:

[ draw a rectangle large enough to contain your image and text ]

To be able to easily draw the rectangle behind the underline layer (Layer 2) and the image/text layer (Layer 1), you may need to lock Layers 1 and 2 first to avoid the "snapping to other things" that occurs when you are drawing.
Your timeline will now look as follows with the empty keyframe under Layer 3's Over frame filled in:

[ your timeline is getting more filled in now ]

  1. What we are going to do next is define how your button looks when you click on it. That is defined in the frames found in the Down column. So, select the empty frames in the Down column, right-click, and select Insert Keyframe. Once you have done this, your timeline will now look as follows:

[ your Down column will now have keyframes ]

  1. When the button is clicked, we want the pink rectangle to turn blue. To do that, make sure your playhead is on the Down frame and select the rectangle. Once the rectangle is selected, change the color from Pink to a Light Blue:

[ change your rectangle's color to a light shade of blue ]

There are several ways in Flash that you can change the color of something. The easiest way is to change the color defined in the Fill property found in the Properties panel when your rectangle is selected:

[ change the color easily from the Properties panel ]

If you test your application now, everything should be good to go. By default, your button looks as follows as defined by the frames in the Normal column:

 When you hover over your button, the text is underlined with a pink rectangle appearing as defined by the frames in the Over column:

Finally, when you click on the button, the frames from the Down column are activated, and you see the pink rectangle turn a slight blue:

Ok, great. You now have something that sort of looks and behaviors like a button. It's time to go back to the root of your stage and look at the next step of making a real button. You can go back to the root by clicking on the Scene 1 text found in the navigation bar:

[ go back to the root by clicking on the Scene 1 link ]

Once you are back to the root, let's look at how the button will interact with code on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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