Physics-Based Bounce Effect - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  10 February 2009

In the previous page, we wrapped up our theoretical discussion on the math behind falling and bouncing objects. In this and the next page, we will look at the the code that actually implements all of this.

Downloading the Application
The following source file contains a working copy of the bouncing ball animation:

Download Simple Bouncing Animation

Once you have downloaded, extracted, and opened the source file in Flash CS4 (or Flash CS3), open the file to see the code that makes this all work. The next section will cover the code in greater detail.

Looking at the Code
You now have a high-level overview of the physics involved with a falling object, and you have a copy of the project open. All that is left is to look at the code and how it maps with the theory you saw before. While the mapping is not exact, I hope it strikes a good balance between realism and simplicity.

The code is broken up into two parts. The first part is the falling action. The second part is the rising action. By breaking up our bounce into these two parts, it allows me to have much simpler code. The connection between these two parts is the initial velocity of the ball as I am bouncing. As long as I know (and can manipulate) that initial velocity, I am set!

The Ball is Falling
Let's look at the code in the order in which things get executed. Coincidentally, this code also sets off the ball's falling motion.

function BlueBall() {

The above code represents my constructor, and it gets called only when my BlueBall object gets created. This constructor is responsible for calling my startFallingBall and setupResetFunctionality methods. Let's look at startFallingBall next, for the setupResetFunctionality method is just for resetting the ball's position when you click on it. That's not really that important for this tutorial.

function startFallingBall() {
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBallDown);

As this method's name implies, the code here is responsible for starting the ball's fall. I initialize two variables first. I set the timer to 0, and I set my initialPos to the current position. The final thing I do is set up my ENTER_FRAME event and have it call my moveBallDown event handler...which we will look at next!

// Responsible for moving the ball down
function moveBallDown(e:Event) {
this.y = initialPos + .5*gravity*(timer * timer);

The moveBallDown event handler is what is responsible for actually moving your ball down. I first increment the value of my timer value, the one I set to zero in the startFallingBall method, to indicate a clock tick has occurred. Once I do that, I set the position of our ball using the equation you saw earlier:

That equation translated into our code can be seen as:

this.y = initialPos + .5*gravity*(timer * timer);

Finally, each time this method gets called, I call the checkBottomBoundary method to figure out what to do next. So, let's look at that method in greater detail.

function checkBottomBoundary() {
if (this.y+this.height>stage.stageHeight) {

This method checks to see if your ball's current position is below that of your ground which is represented by your stage's height. I can't simply compare the Y position and call it a day. Because the ball has some height as well, I want to stop the falling when the bottom of the ball hits the ground. That is why I am including the height of the ball in my calculation for height.

When the ball hits the ground, I call stopFallingBall, so let's look at what it does next.

function stopFallingBall() {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBallDown);
// If the bounce is a 10% of the ball's height, just stop
// the bounce
if (finalPos-initialPos<.1*this.height) {
} else {

The stopFallingBall method does two things. First, it kills the event listener for moveBallDown as shown by the call to removeEventListener. This means that your ball will no longer keep falling.

The second, equally important, task this method does is check whether we are done with the bouncing permanently. The way I measure that is by comparing where my final position will be compared to where my initial position is. If they are very close to each other, that means the bounce is coming to an end.

The "very close" in the code is 10% of the ball's height. If your ball's bounce is going to be less than 10% of its height, then it's time to call it a day:

function stopFallingBall() {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBallDown);
// If the bounce is a 10% of the ball's height, just stop
// the bounce
if (finalPos-initialPos<.1*this.height) {
} else {

The call to stopRisingBall ends your sequence of bounces, but if your final bounce position is greater than 10% of your ball's height, then your code lives another day. The startRisingBall method gets called. Since we just wrapped up what happens when your ball is falling, let's go ahead and look at what happens when your ball starts to rise....on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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