Loading Local Files from Disk - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  6 June 2010

In Flash, you've always had the ability to load content that was stored on a server. For a class of applications, having the ability to load content that lives on disk is quite useful. The pleas were heard and acknowledged, and Adobe recently added support to allow users to load local content into your Flash application.

Since seeing is believing, in the following example, click on the Load button and browse to an image file that you want this application to display:

[ click on the Load button and select an image file ]

When you click on the Load button, notice that your operating system's Open File Dialog will appear allowing you to select a file:

[ files I am currently browsing through ]

Once you have selected an image file and clicked on the Open button, your selected image will be displayed in your Flash application:

[ yes, I realize this image wasn't shown in the thumbnails in the earlier screenshot ]

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the FileReference class to display a dialog, select a file, and process the file for use. While my code and example will seem to favor only image file types, the approach used will be generic enough for you to very easily extend to other more file types.

This tutorial is more of a deconstruction rather than introducing building blocks in a step-by-step way for you to arrange, so feel free to download the source file for the example shown above and whose code will be described in this and the next page.

General Approach
The approach to take when wanting to load a local file is as follows:

  1. Display the native Windows/OS X dialog for selecting a file.
  2. If a file is selected, attempt to load the file.
  3. Once the file has been loaded, do other things to the file such as displaying its contents

The code you are about to see is simply an ActionScript-ized form of the three steps you see above. Without further ado, the code is:

import flash.net.FileReference;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.net.FileFilter;
var file:FileReference;
var fileLoader:Loader;
function start()
loadImageBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDialog);
function showDialog(event:MouseEvent):void
file = new FileReference();
var imageFileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.png");
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectFile);
function selectFile(e:Event):void
file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadFile);
function loadFile(e:Event):void
fileLoader = new Loader();
fileLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, displayImage);
function displayImage(e:Event):void

The code seems like a lot, but as you will see shortly, it is actually quite straightforward. Let's look at each segment of code in greater detail.

Displaying the Native Open File Dialog
First, in our quest to load local files is to display the dialog that will allow your users to select a file itself. The code for doing that is contained in the following lines of code:

var file:FileReference;
var fileLoader:Loader;
function start()
loadImageBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showDialog);
function showDialog(event:MouseEvent):void
file = new FileReference();
var imageFileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.png");
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectFile);

Let's look at the two variables that are declared at the top first:

var file:FileReference;
var fileLoader:Loader;

These two variables, file and fileLoader, are of tpe FileReference and Loader respectively. How these variables are used will make more sense when they are initialized in the code, so we'll revisit each individually when the time is right.

function showDialog(event:MouseEvent):void
file = new FileReference();
var imageFileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.png");
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectFile);

The showDialog function is invoked in this example when the loadImageBtn is clicked. As its name implies, this function is in charge of actually showing the dialog.

Notice that the first thing we do is initialize the file variable that was declared earlier by calling the FileReference constructor:

file = new FileReference();

As you will see, the FileReference class contains everything (classes, properties, events) you would need to handle opening a file.

The next two lines help our showDialog function live up its name by actually displaying the the dialog:

var imageFileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.png");

The FileFilter object imageFileTypes allows you to constrain which file types you will allow your users to select via the dialog:

var imageFileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images (*.jpg, *.png)", "*.jpg;*.png");

I specify the filtering constraint in the constructor of the FileFilter class itself, and the format for filtering basically involves a description of the file format followed by a semi-colon delimited list of actual file formats. You must follow this general format in order to have Flash properly communicate what you want to the dialog:

[ your FileFilter information is passed along to the dialog ]

To actually display the dialog, you call our file object's browse function:


The browse function takes our earlier FileFilter object as its argument. The important thing to note is that it takes the FileFilter arguments in the form of an array. Because I only have one FileFilter object, only one FileFilter object is specified in the array:


If you wanted to constrain by several file types, you would append the array with more FileFilter objects as needed.

The last thing we do is setup an event listener to let your application know that a file has been selected via this dialog:

file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectFile);

I add this event listener to our file object itself, and that is because it is also the file object that calls the browse function that launches the dialog. The event I am listening for is the SELECT event. When a SELECT event is fired, the selectFile event handler function will get called. Let's go ahead and look at that on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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