kirupa | 3 April 2006
Have you ever thought about the text that you are reading on
your computer? More than likely not, and that's good. There are
far better things to do with one's time. But, as a programmer,
you will find yourself having to display textual information to the
screen. You might be expected to generate text based on what
your program is doing, and that is often more complicated than
simply displaying pre-formatted text. Essentially, you now have
to figure out how text is used in Flash and what things you can
do to manipulate your text.
Everything you display on your screen is nothing more than a
series of small characters. Usually, these characters are
letters or numbers. A collection of such small characters is
called a string.
In Flash, you have the String class that takes care of
many of the grungy details associated with making something a
string. If you are not familiar
with OOP concepts such as class/methods/objects, you may want to
give senocular's
OOP Tutorial a whirl first!
You can declare variables as String objects by following your
variable name with the String type:
- var stringData:String
= "Hello!";
Because stringData is a variable of type String, it has access
to all of the built-in methods (features) of the String class.
Many common functions that you would want to use with strings
have already been developed for you by the Flash developers. The
full list of String methods you can use can be found by clicking
here [external link].
In this tutorial, I will explain how to use the String class and
many of its methods to create a dollar amount parser. By the end
of this tutorial, you will have learned how to think about
strings as a series of characters, and how to manipulate them
using the String class's methods.
Getting back to our tutorial's goal, the dollar amount parser is a
function that takes in a number and returns a dollar
amount complete with the dollar sign ($), commas (,), and the
right number of digits after the decimal point (.).
Let's build our dollar amount parser incrementally. That allows
you to get a feel for how to use strings if you are just
starting out with ActionScript, and it helps me to explain more
complicated concepts by making references to earlier, easier
Just for reference, you will find our full code below. Don't
worry about the code now, though, for you will incrementally be
introduced to the code in the tutorial:
- dollarParser =
function ()
- var input:Number
= 1567.5644;
- var inputString:String
= input.toString();
- var decimalIndex
= inputString.indexOf('.');
- var centString:String
= inputString.substring(decimalIndex,
- var dollarString:String
= inputString.substring(0,
- //
- var finalString:String
= "$";
- var count:Number
= 0;
- var tempString:String
= "";
- for (var
= dollarString.length-1;
- count++;
- tempString +=
- if ((count%3
== 0)
&& (i
- 1
>= 0))
- tempString
+= ",";
- }
- }
- for (var
= tempString.length;
- finalString
+= tempString.charAt(k);
- }
- finalString +=
- trace(finalString);
- };
- dollarParser();
The above code might not make much sense, but in the next few
pages, you will realize that all of this isn't so complicated
after all!
Onwards to the next page!