Using EventDispatcher
       by Jesse Marangoni aka TheCanadian  |  30 May 2006

EventDispatcher is a class which provides a means of dispatching events. After you’ve recovered from that bombshell of an introduction sentence, let’s get more in depth. EventDispatcher, like AsBroadcaster broadcasts an event to a set of listeners which then receive that event and call the function associated with it. If you have ever used the Key class, you’ll be familiar with how you have to add a listener to Key then set up events such as onKeyDown. These events are in fact handled by AsBroadcaster but EventDispatcher performs much the same function. If you ever used components and such functions as addEventListener, you will have definitely used this class before (even if not knowing it) since EventDispatcher handles all v2 component events. This tutorial will attempt to teach you the concepts behind it and how to use it in your projects.

AsBroadcaster vs. EventDispatcher
You can’t really place these two classes in direct comparison since each has its strengths and weaknesses. AsBroadcaster has one single collection of listeners which receive every event broadcast. EventDispatcher has a group of listeners for each event it broadcasts. Senocular paints a nice picture:

[ Comparison of EventDispatcher and AsBroadcaster ]

It all boils down to which class is best for each situation. EventDispatcher is good when you need different listeners for different events. If you used AsBroadcaster in this situation you would find yourself with a bunch of listeners receiving events that they never use. But if you need multiple listeners listening to the same events it would be quite cumbersome to be adding those listeners to listen for each event. This is where AsBroadcaster shines.

For more info on AsBroadcaster and listeners, see senoculars tutorial: //

One last thing to note about EventDispatcher is its ability to have functions as a part of an event collection. With AsBroadcaster this isn’t possible given that each listener listens to every event but, since EventDispatcher is event oriented, you can have functions which are called when the event they are signed up to is broadcast.

How It Works
Before we get to using it, you should have a brief understanding of how a broadcasting object is initialized. In its most basic sense, EventDispatcher is simply a container for methods which are given to a broadcasting instance when it is initialized. If we take a peek at its static initialize method we can see how objects are set up to begin broadcasting:

static function initialize(object:Object):Void {
if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) {
_fEventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener;
object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener;
object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent;
object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue;

Calling that method just gives four methods of an instance of EventDispatcher to the object passed to the function. The object can now call these methods as if they were its own – in its own scope. When broadcasting an event, the broadcaster will loop through all listeners of that event and call the function associated with it.

We have barely scratched the surface of how this function works. Onwards to the next page!


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