In this section, briefly explain what the tutorial will
explain/accomplish. If you want, you can include
something "dramatic" that gets readers interested in
your topic. Try to enjoy writing tutorials and follow
the basic guidelines found below. Before I forget, feel
free to modify this document as much as needed.
Extending What Was
Buttons are a good example to start with. The entire
concept of a button revolves around user interaction,
typically that of pressing. When you press a button, you
expect certain results to follow, and when properly
coded, they do. What determines when these events occur
is the button's ability to detect or listen for the user
interaction. When the pressing of the button is detected
or broadcasted by the flash player, the on(press) event
in that button is handled and the containing code
executed. Other events buttons listen for are release,
rollOver, etc., while Flash movieclips similarly
listener for events such as enterFrame, mouseMove,
keyDown, etc.
Prior to Flash MX, these listener objects (buttons
and movieclips) were pre-defined by Flash and could not
be altered, nor new ones created, by the author of the
movie. MX has changed all that with the new object
model. Buttons and movieclips are still pre-defined, but
now you can have your very own custom objects listen for
certain events like those recognized by buttons and
movieclips as they occur in Flash. Of course these
custom objects are not restricted to the predefined
events such as keyDown or mouseMove. You have the option
of making your own events with the use of AsBroadcaster
(Action Script Broadcaster).
So what kinds of events, or broadcasters, are built
into Flash? Well, these are
Handled by
(Listeners) |
onDragOut |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onDragOver |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onKeyDown |
Key |
Button, MovieClip |
onKeyUp |
Key |
Button, MovieClip |
onKillFocus |
- |
Button, MovieClip, TextField
onPress |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onRelease |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onReleaseOutside |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onRollOut |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onRollOver |
- |
Button, MovieClip |
onSetFocus |
Selection |
Button, MovieClip, Selection, TextField |
onData |
- |
MovieClip, LoadVars, XML
onEnterFrame |
- |
MovieClip |
onLoad |
- |
MovieClip, LoadVars, Sound,
onMouseDown |
Mouse |
MovieClip |
onMouseMove |
Mouse |
MovieClip |
onMouseUp |
Mouse |
MovieClip |
onUnload |
- |
MovieClip |
onResize |
Stage |
Stage |
onChanged |
TextField |
TextField |
onScroller |
TextField |
TextField |
You'll notice that not all of the
events, like onDragOut, are associated with a
broadcaster object. You can consider these to be
broadcasted by the Flash player itself rather than
through an actionscript object within Flash. These
events are restricted to being used only by whatever
objects can handle them, as listed. onDragOut, for
example, being only available for use with a Button or
MovieClip object. The ones with broadcasters allow you
to add your own listeners to these objects allowing
those listeners to recognize when an event is initiated.
For example, you could make a generic object in
actionscipt and have it listen to the Mouse object (a
broadcaster) which will then allow that object to run
onMouseDown, onMouseMove, and onMouseUp code whenever
the mouse is pressed, moves or is released.
There are two different ways to look at listeners and really understand how they work. The
more literal sense revolves around focusing on the
individual listeners themselves and how they can become
“aware” and listen for events occuring in Flash. The
other is based more on how listeners and AsBroadcaster
works internally in Flash.
Listeners Listen
One of my first usages of listeners was getting
a movieclip in MX to recognize an onKeyUp event. If an
onClipEvent(keyUp) is placed on the movieclip itself,
the keyUp event is recognised and my inserted code would
run appropriately. Trying to define the event through
instance_mc.onKeyUp = function(){...} yielded no
result. It wasn't until later I realized that I had to
make my movieclip a listener of the Key object so it
would know when the key was pressed and would recognise
to run the onKeyUp event when a key on the keyboard was
released. To do that:
- Key.addListener(instance_mc);
- instance_mc.onKeyUp= function(){
- // key up code
- }
Why is a movieclip not automatically a listener of
the Key object as it is as an onClipEvent? To be honest,
I'm not sure and am too lazy to look it up for the
purposes of this article. Its registered as a listener
of the Mouse object by default (though thats not
entirely true since its not really being handled by the
Mouse broadcaster but the Flash player itself, but...)
for example
instance_mc.onMouseUp = function(){...} works,
but not Key.
Nonetheless, once any object, such as my movieclip
object, becomes a listener of a broadcasting object, it
can then recognize events sent out by that broadcasting
object and perform the appropriate actions. From the
list we see Flash's broadcasting objects are
Each one of these can have listeners added to them
using the addListener() method, making the passed object
aware of its events. The Selection object, for example,
has one event, onSetFocus which is run whenever the
focus in Flash changes. When an object is added to the
Selection object as a listener (and this can be any
object, a generic object, a movieclip, or even a button)
it then becomes aware of whenever the Selection object
broadcasts that event and runs whatever onSetFocus
function assigned to that object.
Example 1
So lets make an object and have it be a listener to the
Mouse object. This train of thought is the first I
mentioned, the “literal” way of thinking meaning we'll
follow the metaphors set aside by Macromedia in
understanding how listeners work. That metaphor being
that of a listener. A listener is an object that listens
for an event to occur and then executes a given script
based on what event it was.
- // make a new generic object
- aBigEar = new Object();
- // define a function to perform a task
- Flicked = function(){
- trace("Ouch, you just flicked me!");
- }
- // make aBigEar a listener for events
from the Mouse object
- Mouse.addListener(aBigEar);
- // assign an onMouseDown event to
- // since aBigEar is a listener of the
Mouse object, it will
- // recognise mouse events just as a
movieclip would
- aBigEar.onMouseDown = Flicked;
You can throw this code right into a new movie and
test it out. When you click the mouse, the output window
will display “Ouch, you just flicked me!” aBigEar, once
made a listener of the Mouse object, runs whatever is
assigned to its onMouseDown whenever the mouse is
pressed. In this case, the function Flicked is run and
the contained trace message is displayed.
onMouseDown itself, to the aBigEar object, is nothing
more than just an ordinary function. There's really
nothing special about it despite the pretty color-coding
given to it by Flash. You could call this function just
as easily by saying
aBigEar.onMouseDown(). The Mouse object though,
has the event onMouseDown associated with it. Because of
this, when the aBigEar object is set to listen to the
Mouse object, it will hear when that onMouseDown event
is triggered and run its own onMouseDown function.
AsBroadcaster lets you define your own events, letting
you call whatever function you want in your listener