Data Binding to XML Data - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  22 January 2008

One of my favorite features in WPF has to be data binding. In case you are not familiar with it, data binding allows you to go from having some bizarre collection of data into something really cool looking with little effort. In my earlier Data Binding to CLR Objects tutorial I described data binding and explained how to use data binding with CLR data.

In this tutorial, I will explain how to data bind to XML data. XML data is interesting because you use it a lot, for example, if you subscribe to RSS feeds, those feeds themselves are essentially XML files. The functionality in WPF for binding to XML is similar to what you have with CLR data, but there are some differences that warrant a detailed tutorial focusing just on the XML side of data binding.

 Before continuing on, by the end of this tutorial, you will have created something that looks like the following image:

[ what you will create by the end of this tutorial ]

The above data and images are specified in an external XML file. You can view that XML file here:


In case you are curious, the XML file I posted above and use in the application you will be creating is taken from the Zune Social web service. I wrote about that in this blog post.

This tutorial will give you a comprehensive dive into using XML data binding using Expression Blend. You will learn how to create a data source out of your XML file, create and modify a data template, filter data using XPaths, and how to modify the formatting and layout of your final results. This tutorial is aimed at users who have prior experience with Blend. At the very least, make sure you are familiar with setting up your project, using controls, and making simple modifications via the property grid.

If you are looking for a simpler coverage of this topic, the Blend help topics include a nice article titled Create an RSS news reader.

Get Expression Blend
To get the most out of this article, you should follow along with my instructions. To do that, you will need Expression Blend 2 installed. If you do not already have it, you can download the fully-functional trial version from the link shown below:

Download Expression Blend 2 Preview (60-Day Trial)

Normally, you would also need Visual Studio 2008, but data binding to XML data requires no extra hand-written code. Everything is done via XAML using just Blend.

Getting Started - Creating our Data Source
The first thing you will need to do is bring your XML file into your application in a form that it understands:

  1. Launch Expression Blend 2 and create a new WPF project. Give your project the name XMLDataBinding:

[ create a new WPF project titled XMLDataBinding ]

Press OK to create your new Project and to hide the New Project window.

  1. You should now see a blank artboard with nothing in it. What we are going to do first is add our XML data source. On the right-hand side, make sure the Project tab is selected and the Data panel is displayed:

[ make sure your Data panel is displayed ]

  1. From the Data panel (shown above), click on the + XML button. The Add XML Data Source window will appear.

    From the Add XML Data Source window, for Connection Name, change what is displayed to ZuneData, and for the URL with XML Data field, copy and paste the following URL:

    Your Add XML Data Source window should look like the following image:

[ in your XML Data Source window, specify the connection name and URL ]

  1. Once you have entered the correct data to your Add XML Data Source window, press OK to close the window. After a few moments, you will see your Data panel display the Music Data connection:

[ your XML data source named MusicData has now been added ]

So far so good. You took some data and created a data source called MusicData. We'll look at how to take this data and make an attempt at visualizing our data on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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