Introduction to LINQ - Page 2
       by Granville Barnett  |  15 September 2007

In the previous page, you got a brief introduction to LINQ and learned where to get the tools to get started. In this page, let's continue on and create a simple LINQ application.

First LINQ Application
Let us dive in and take a look at LINQ in action by performing a query on an in-memory collection. The goal of this example is to get a core understanding of how a query is constructed and what types of collections you can query:

string[] cities = { "London", "Paris",
                  "Berlin", "Moscow", "Dublin",
                  "Barcelona", "New York",
                  "Endinburgh", "Geneva",
                    "Amsterdam", "Madrid" };
IEnumerable<string> query = from c in cities
                            where c.StartsWith("M")
                            select c;
foreach (string city in query)

If you are using Visual Studio 2008, create a new C# Console Application and paste the above code inside your Main method to see how it works.

In this snippet we use several standard operators to construct a query which filters out all cities which start with the letter ‘M’, however, of more significant importance is the collection which we have queried.

We can query any in-memory collection which implements IEnumerable, or IEnumerable<T>. The example previously shown calls the GetEnumerator() on the query when the foreach statement is executed, subsequently a while loop iterates over all items in the collection that satisfy the query until the MoveNext() method of the collection returns false.

If we run this example in debug mode, placing a breakpoint on the same line as the foreach statement, we can see that the compiler is doing some extra work for us under the covers:

[ Calling a lambda expression ]

An implementation detail of the query given above is that we are actually creating a lambda expression when the code is compiled, this expression is used as a parameter for the Where() extension method of the cities collection.

Lambda expressions introduce a functional style of programming into both the C# and VB.NET languages. Constructing a lambda expression is simple using the new generic Func<A0 , ... , A4, T> type, which like all other examples which use LINQ-specific features so far, is a part of the System.Query namespace.

We will now go ahead and replicate the previous query using lambda expressions:

Func<string, bool> filter = c => c.StartsWith("M");
var query = cities.Where(filter);
foreach (string city in query)

Here we define a lambda expression which takes a single string parameter and returns a bool, a lambda expression typically takes the following structure: parameters => expression. Another thing to note is that we call an extension method called Where() on the cities collection which takes a predicate as an argument, extension methods exist for several common query operators including Select, OrderBy, SelectAll, etc. For a full reference see the official LINQ project site.

To learn more about functional programming I would strongly recommend you look at the Haskell language. Anyway, we looked a few simple examples in this page. In the next page, we'll look at more involved examples involving SQL data.

Onwards to the next page.

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