Animated SmartClip Navigation
       by Lukus  :  5 August 2004



Ok, so you've started your lovely new Flash web site. Well done! You have your navigation: A movie clip per button, with 4 different animation clips contained, all stylized to one format. Nice. Oh wait, apparently bright pink isn't very user-friendly [That tip is free :p] So what does that mean? Changing 12+ movie clips individually just for the sake of a colour? Nononono!

For this tutorial, I hope to combine the world of SmartClips and Animated Navigation to create something simple, but very effective. An example of the final product can be shown below [Yes I know it's ripped off of 2A: Expansions, but it's just for education ].

[ an example of what you will create ]

What is a SmartClip?
A SmartClip is essentially a movie clip with a variable. It allows you to have one contained movie for an element that you want to duplicate.
All you need to do is drag an instance of your movie onto the stage and edit a single property.

Why use SmartClips?
SmartClips are particularly useful for navigation, as each button would look identical (negating the need for separate elements) with just one variable, the text. If you decided that you needed a colour makeover, just edit the one movie clip and each instance changes to fit in with your new scheme.

I have chosen to use SmartClips with navigation, because not only is it more efficient, but the number of different effects that can be achieved is limitless. I'm going to show you one, but after that, it's down to you.

Well that's all great ... but how?

Firstly, I will demonstrate the use of the SmartClip and then develop onto the animation.
  1. Ok, create a new file, any size and change the frame rate to 50.

  2. Anywhere on the stage, create a rectangle 100x20. Have the border of the rectangle black, and fill of #006699 with a linear gradient of 100% alpha to 68% vertically.

[ Colour Mixer view of rectangle linear gradient ]

  1. Select everything and convert to a Movie Clip. Name it something like "mcButton". Double-click on your new Movie.

  2. Now take the fill, and place it on its own layer (Edit | Cut, New Layer, Edit | Paste in Place). Label each layer "Border" and "Fill" respectively. Create a new layer named "Text". Make sure that "Border" is always the top layer.

  3. Now click the Text Tool, and drag an outline the same size as your fill. Change the following features:
    Text Type = "Dynamic"
    Line Type = "Single Line"
    Font Style = Verdana, size 10, hex #E8E0E9, bold and centered
    Make the text Unelectable
    Var = "butText"

Ok, so now we're going to implement the SmartClip. Go to your main stage, and delete any instances of your button:

  1. Open up the library (Ctrl+L) and right click on "mcButton". Then click on "Component Definition". This is where your variable comes into play.

  2. Click on the "+" sign and enter the details like mine:

  1. Now it's just a case of dragging an instance of the clip onto the stage, and editing the Text variable under Properties. Enter the text you want [Caps works best in this example].

[ Instance Properties - Enter your text here ]

Pretty cool eh? Try adding a few instances and changing the butText variable. Not very "Flashy" but it's the basic principle behind SmartClips.

On the next page, we'll cover the animation and the actual working button, see ya there


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