Using XML in Flash CS3/AS3 - Page 5
       by kirupa  |  17 July 2007

Attributes are interesting little creatures - far more different than the children nodes you dealt with in the previous page. Let's learn how to tame them in this page.

Reading Attributes
So far, we have primarily dealt with reading nodes/elements and their nested information. Attributes are different in that they are information stored directly on the node itself. As such, the approach for accessing that information is a little different.

In our XML file, the attribute is the ISBN information located directly on the Book node:

Example of XML Document

 Let's look at the AS used to extract that information:

function ParseBooks(bookInput:XML):void {
trace("XML Output");
var bookAttributes:XMLList = bookInput.Book.attributes();
for each (var bookISBN:XML in bookAttributes) {

If you overwrite your earlier ParseBooks function with the above function and test your application (Ctrl + Enter), you will see the ISBN numbers printed. Let's look at the one line of code that makes this work:

var bookAttributes:XMLList = bookInput.Book.attributes();

To access the list of attributes, I call the attributes() method on our Book node. The attributes information, if available, is returned in the form guessed XMLList! I then iterate through that list, just like before, and print out that information.

This approach, like our earlier XML's children() approach, prints out all of the matching data. In this case, all attribute values are printed out. That is not a problem because we only have one attribute per Book node, but if you had multiple attributes, all of them would be printed. Let's look at two ways of keeping track of them.

The first approach is similar to what you already used earlier. You check for the attribute's name and see if it matches what you are looking for:

function ParseBooks(bookInput:XML):void {
trace("XML Output");
var bookAttributes:XMLList = bookInput.Book.attributes();
for each (var bookISBN:XML in bookAttributes) {
if ( == "ISBN") {

This works because the name() method returns the name of node. The name() method does not distinguish between children, attributes, parents, etc. It only cares about what the name of the XML object is, so the similarity in how the name() object is used for accessing the attribute's name and the node's name is intentional.

The second approach is where you filter based on the attribute name when generating your XMLList itself:

function ParseBooks(bookInput:XML):void {
trace("XML Output");
var bookAttributes:XMLList = bookInput.Book.attribute("ISBN");
for each (var bookISBN:XML in bookAttributes) {

In this approach, you use the attribute() method where you pass in the name of the attribute you are looking for:

var bookAttributes:XMLList = bookInput.Book.attribute("ISBN");

Your bookAttributes XMLList object will only contain a list of XML objects that contain attributes matching the ISBN name. This approach avoids you having to iterate through a larger list of XML objects and checking each name manually.

 Onwards to the next page!

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