Dynamic Movie Clips and the ScrollPane - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  30 August 2006

The scrollpane is a very useful component that comes included with Flash Professional 8. This component allows you to display content in a viewing area, and if the content is larger than the viewing area, you get scrollbars with which you can move the content around. Using the scrollpane is easy for static movie clips or content stored on your stage or in the library. It is certainly a lot easier to use than making your own!

Note - Flash Professional 8

Because this tutorial requires the ScrollPane component, you need to use Flash Professional 8 instead of the regular version of Flash.

When you want to use a scrollpane for dynamic movie clips, though, things can get a bit tricky. That is where this tutorial comes in, but before I get to that, take a look at the following you will create by the end of this tutorial. In the example, keep pressing the plus/minus arrows to see items being added/removed from the scrollpane. Notice that the scrollpane's scrollbars appear when the number of items becomes greater than the height of the viewing area.

[ click on the plus/minus buttons to add/remove items from the scrollpane ]

By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned how to re-create the above functionality. Because much of the tricks employed deal with the code and some empty movie clips, I have provided a partial source file containing the main UI elements that you can re-use instead: Download Partial Source

Note -  Kirupa's Blog Article on this Topic

For a more concise, non-tutorial explanation of how to use dynamic movie clips using the scrollpane component, check out Kirupa's blog post.

In the following pages, I will first explain how to re-create the above animation. Then I will go through and explain what each line of code accomplishes so that you have a better understanding of why loading dynamic movie clips into a scrollpane works the way it does.

Onwards to the next page!


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