Using Value Converters - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  29 July 2007

One of the popular things to do with WPF is use its data binding features. Data binding allows you to, as its name implies, link data. More specifically, you link data between a target and a source. For example, you could have a textbox whose value is tied to the horizontal position of a slider control. As the slider control is adjusted, the value inside your label changes:

[ in this example, the slider's value is displayed in a label ]

This is an example of data binding where your source is the slider's Value and the target is your label control's Content property. In this scenario, the mapping between your slider's position and the value displayed on your label is pretty straightforward and a built-in converter takes care of displaying the right values.

In numerous scenarios, though, such a a direct mapping between your data does not exist. The built-in converter simply will not know what to do. In this tutorial, you will see one such example where you are taking RGB values from the Adobe Kuler recent themes and setting it equal to the background of your window.

The color value returned by Adobe Kuler is in a form such as FFFFFF. The format WPF brushes use for displaying colors is #FFFFFF. The difference is in the # symbol that WPF seeks but which our data source from the Kuler feed does not provide. Reconciling this difference is where value converters come in.

Note - RGB and WPF

I mentioned in the earlier section that WPF looks for a RGB value in the form #FFFFFF. While that is true, technically, WPF deals with ARGB where you have extra bits for storing the Alpha values. When you don't provide the Alpha value, the alpha value is set to the maximum and added for you automatically.

To learn more about ARGB values, check out this blog post where I discuss that in greater detail.

What are Value Converters
In one way of looking at this, a value converter acts as a mediator. It takes incoming data from your target, makes some modifications, and returns a version of the data that your source can understand. When data binding, the following diagram shows you the default relationship between the source, the target, and your data when not using your own value converter:

When using your own value converter, the following is what your relationship between the target and source looks like:

As you can see, there really isn't that much of a difference. A value converter is used regardless of whether you specify your own value converter or not. Another thing to note, because value converters are used with your standard data binding models, the arrows move both ways. What that means is that your value converter not only is designed to take input from the target and modify it for the source, but it also works when data from the source is updated on the target. That bi-directional relationship is used in two-way data bindings.

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create your own value converter that will be used instead of a default value converter. Because our data binding will be one-way, our value converter will primarily exist to take data from our target and convert it into a form our source will understand. Let's get started on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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