Using Toggle Buttons - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  10 October 2007

In the previous page, we looked at how to change some of our toggle button's properties. The next big area to look at is events. The toggle button introduces a few events for us to target, so let's look at how to do that in this page.

Let's start with the most obvious event. Because our toggle button is a variation of your regular button, you still have the Click event that allows you to deal with user clicks. But, unlike a button, the Click event with toggle buttons is not as important because you need a way to know when your Click event causes your button to enter its checked state or its unchecked state. You can write some code to determine whether your button is in a checked state or not, but there is an easier way.

Toggle buttons come with both Checked and Unchecked events. As their name implies, when your toggle button gets checked, the Checked event fires. Likewise, when your toggle button becomes unchecked, the Unchecked event fires.

You can access both of these events via Blend's UI by selecting your toggle button and clicking on the Events button (found near the top-right of your Properties panel):

[ click on the events button to to view your toggle button's events ]

Tying the event to an event handler is pretty straight forward, so I am going to move on to what I feel is a more interesting topic. Just remember that toggle buttons allow for Checked and Unchecked events!

Creating Custom ToggleButtons
Toggle buttons, as you have seen so far, are treated the same just as any other system control. Therein lies the problem. Customizing a system control takes more effort and a deeper understanding of WPF to pull off cleanly without accidentally removing some functionality.

To solve this problem, you have Simple Styles, but there is no corresponding simple style for the toggle button that you can modify. The way around this is by using existing functionality and changing a few words in XAML.

In Blend, draw a rectangle or any shape that you want to make into a toggle button:

[ I drew a yellow-colored rectangle! ]

With your shape selected, go to Tools | Make Button:

[ the Make Button command allows you to convert almost anything into a button ]

The Create Style Resource window will appear. Give your resource a name or simply accept the default name (ButtonStyle1) and press OK to create the new style resource. What you have now is a custom shape converted into a button. What we are going to do is change this button into a toggle button, and that will require some XAML editing.

Click on the XAML tab found towards the top-left of your Properties panel:

[ click on the XAML tab to view the XAML ]

Once you click on the XAML tab, you will find yourself in the XAML mode where you see all of the markup generated for all of the things you were doing graphically earlier. Find the line of code that corresponds to the button you created/converted. It will start with the words <Button....:

Replace the word Button with the word ToggleButton. You will basically go from seeing what resembles the above to the following:

After you change your Button to ToggleButton and hit Ctrl + S to save, you will soon receive an error in your Results panel informing you that there is a TargetType issue:

This error occurs because, when you created the style resource earlier, it was linked to an object that was of type Button. Because you changed from a Button to a ToggleButton, that earlier link has become invalid. To fix this issue, under Window.Resources in your XAML, find the Style you created earlier. It's Key value should be the name you gave your style when you created it earlier when converting your button:

Within your style markup, find every instance of x:Type Button and change it to x:Type ToggleButton. You are almost done. When you hit Ctrl + S again, you will see another error message appear.

This time, the error states that IsDefaulted is not recognized. To resolve this issue, simply remove the line that says <Trigger Property="IsDefaulted" Value="True"/>. You should be all set now, and you can switch back to your Design view and edit your Toggle button's style and templates just like you would a custom button.

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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