Using Toggle Buttons - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  10 October 2007

In the previous page, you learned more about toggle buttons and how to incorporate them into your WPF application. In this page, let's continue where we left off by learning how to take advantage of the various states a toggle button exposes.

Customizing a Toggle Button
Now that you have your toggle button in your document, you can customize it using your Properties panel. Most of the customizations are fairly straightforward, but let's take a look at the Common Properties sub-panel where some unique properties related to the toggle button can be found:

[ your Common Properties displays the properties we are interested in ]

The three properties I will cover are Content, IsChecked, and IsThreeState. Let's get started:

The Content field is something that you will modify frequently. From here, you can specify what you want your toggle button to display. Using the properties panel, the easiest thing would be to enter some text and have it be displayed. In our case, the default text ToggleButton is displayed, but you can change that.

You are not limited to just text, though. Toggle buttons are content controls, and that means they can store one of any object as their direct child. To clarify, that does not mean that they can only store one item in general. It simply means that your toggle button can only have one direct descendant control, but that one direct descendant control can have as many child controls as possible.

The IsChecked property is what helps determine the states our toggle button is in. Take a look at the following diagram:

Initially, when your toggle button is displayed, its IsChecked property is set to False. When you click on your toggle button, its IsChecked property becomes true. While on the outside, we can talk about a toggle button being in its Normal state or in its Depressed state, internally, how your toggle button looks is determined by your IsChecked property.

When you check the IsChecked property in Blend, you are setting IsChecked's default value to true. That basically means that your toggle button will appear in its Depressed state by default, and your first click will take it to its Normal state.

The final property we will look at is the IsThreeState property. We already know that our toggle button has at least two states based on our earlier IsChecked observation. As you can guess by now, our toggle button actually has three states, and those can be expressed when you set the IsThreeState property to true by checking its checkbox in Blend.

Earlier, you saw that IsChecked could either be true or false. Well, it turns out that your IsChecked property supports a mysterious third value. The third value IsChecked can have is null. Let's look at a diagram showing what our IsChecked value is after each click:

IsChecked is an object of type bool? which is a boolean that accepts three values - true, false, and null. This three state boolean is also known as a nullable boolean. Now, aren't you glad you know that?!

We crossed over the half-way point with learning about toggle buttons. In the next page, let's look at how to use a few events to make something that takes advantage of the toggle button's states and, more interestingly, how to customize a toggle button.

Onwards to the next page!

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