Modifying Animations using C# - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  14 May 2008

In the previous page, you downloaded a sample project that contained the animation that I've been describing for a while now. To give you a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes, a bulk of the time in the previous page was spent looking at XAML and explaining keyframes, animations, and storyboards. You will see in this page why that was done.

Revisiting our Problem with a Solution
By now, you may have forgotten what the original problem we were trying to solve was. I know I certainly forgot. You have an animation that currently plays at a specified speed. What you want to do is change that speed while the animation is running:

There are three speed values - Slow, Normal, and Fast. When the Slow item is selected, our animation will take longer to finish. When Normal is selected, things move at a moderate speed. When Fast is selected, your animation just flies through!

So, where is the speed property that we can modify? Well, there is no value for speed. What you do have are five values for duration as specified in the keyframes...more specifically, our KeyTime values in each of the SplineDoubleKeyFrames:

<Storyboard x:Key="Oscillate">

By decreasing the time between each keyframe, we speed the animation up. That works because it now takes less time for your circle to go from one edge of the window to the other edge. Of course, by increasing the time between each keyframe, we slow the animation down. The justification is similar. It takes your animation longer to do what it needs to do.

What we are going to do is, each time the combo box's value is changed, programmatically alter the KeyTime values for each of our keyframes based on what was selected. The next section will show you how.

Modifying the Animation using C#
Finally, we get to write some code! Like I mentioned earlier, we are going to alter the KeyTime values in each of our keyframes when the combo box's selection is changed. There are two parts to this. The first part is finding out what got selected in our combo box, and the second part is changing the KeyTime values based on what was selected.

Getting the Selected Value from the Combo Box
If you look at the code for Window1.xaml.cs in Visual Studio, you will recall that the ChangeSpeed method is the event handler tied to our combo box's SelectionChanged event. That means that each time what you select inside the combo box changes, the ChangeSpeed method gets called. That's exactly what we want!

Inside your ChangeSpeed method, add the following code:

private void ChangeSpeed(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
double incrementer = 1;
ComboBox comboBox = sender as ComboBox;
ComboBoxItem selectedItem = comboBox.SelectedValue as ComboBoxItem;
string speed = selectedItem.Content.ToString();
if (speed == "Slow")
incrementer = 2;
else if (speed == "Normal")
incrementer = 1;
else if (speed == "Fast")
incrementer = .5;

With the above code, I am getting the selected value (Slow, Normal, or Fast) and associating a number I call the incrementer to each value. If Slow is selected, my incrementer value is 2, for Normal it is 1, and for Fast it is .5.

The last thing I do is call a ModifyAnimation method that takes our incrementer value as its argument. Don't worry - you haven't created that method yet. I am not going to spend too much time on this section of code since it deviates a bit from our stated goal of learning how to modify animations created in XAML using C#.

Onwards to the next page!

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