Falling Snow in Silverlight - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  19 December 2009

Nothing really captures the Christmas season quite as well as snow. Probably because I spent most of my life growing up in places where there would be no snow in December, over the years I simulated the effect of snow falling on the computer instead of getting to experience it in real life. Of course, four years in Boston changed all of that though

Anyway, simulating falling snow is pretty fun, and as you will see shortly in this tutorial, you will learn how to use Expression Blend to create a small Silverlight application that does exactly that. Below is example of what you will have created at the end:

Get Microsoft Silverlight

In this and the subsequent pages, you will learn how to create the above effect from scratch.

Setting up the Stage
All cool projects need to start somewhere, so let's start at the very beginning:

  1. Launch Expression Blend 3 and create a new Silverlight 3 Application + Web Site project:

[ create a new Silverlight 3 project with an associated web site ]

For your project name, go with whatever you want. I will be naming my project FallingSnowExample and will refer to this project as such throughout this article.

  1. Once the project has been created, you'll see a giant white artboard with nothing in it. Let's change that by giving your application a dark background color.
    You can do that by selecting LayoutRoot on your Objects and Timeline panel and changing the Background in your Properties Inspector:

[ give your LayoutRoot a dark background color ]

  1. Right now, your LayoutRoot is a Grid control. While Grids are fine layout controls, they are not great when you want to programmatically position elements inside them like you will be soon. For this task, you need the real deal - you need a Canvas.

    To change your LayoutRoot from a Grid to a Canvas, right click on LayoutRoot from the Objects and Timeline panel, and from the menu that appears, go to Change Layout Type | Canvas:

[ changing from a Grid to a Canvas to something else is pretty easy ]

After you have done this, your LayoutRoot will now proudly be a Canvas instead of a Grid.

  1. With your background a nice dark color and your LayoutRoot a healthy Canvas, its time to draw some snowflakes. For simplicity, I am going to be using the Ellipse tool and drawing out a bunch of white circles on our artboard. Draw a fair number of them into your LayoutRoot, and remember, Copy and Paste is your friend.

    Here is what my stage looks like at the end:

[ a ton of ellipses emulating snowflakes ]

Now that you have your snowflakes as well, the UI part of this effect is complete. What remains is creating what is known as a behavior that will animate all of these individual snowflakes for you. We'll look into that on the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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