Hitchhiker's Guide to the Forums - FAQ
       by kirupa : 18 June 2006

This page contains a list of the most common questions the moderators get asked about the forums.

  • Can you change my username?
    If you want your name changed, send a PM to a moderator with what you want your new name to be. You must agree to mention your old name somewhere in your signature for the next two weeks similar to "Formerly known as Oldname."
  • How do you become a mod?
    Becoming a mod on the site is difficult. There is no other way to put it. Moderators on the site have been a positive influence on the site for many years, and they volunteered countless hours of their time to make the forums and the main site a fun and enjoyable place for everyone.

    There is no guaranteed formula on what you need to do in order to become a mod. Many of the mods had no idea they were even in the running for modship until they got selected. The forums are meant to be a fun place. Don't be hypercompetitive, don't try too hard to be a mod, and do try to help others without expecting praise or attention.

    Some common things to keep in mind:
    • Post Counts Do not Matter
      Having a high post count does not automatically place you in the running for modship.
    • It's All about What you Know, not who you Know
      Mods are made mods based on their contribution to the forums. Just because you happen to have half of the moderators on your buddy list does not mean you have a greater chance of being a mod.
    • How well do you relate to others?
      Being a moderator is very much a people-oriented thing. How you relate to others plays a major role in how effective you would be as a mod.
    • Be Yourself
      Most importantly, don't alter your normal behavior just to impress others to become a mod. It is usually obvious when a member tries too hard to want to be a mod, and trying hard not to be your normal self probably isn't much fun either.

These guidelines are largely based on years' worth of forum threads made by various members that address these thorny issues. Thanks the following people who have provided input on revising these guidelines and making them more complete: TheCanadian, iLikePie, and Krilnon. If there are any topics that I have forgotten to cover, chime in on the thread created for this article.


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