Jeff Wheeler aka
nokrev |
5 July 2006On the
previous page, you got an introduction to using PHP
to manipulate files. In this page, we will pick up from where we
left off and discuss how to list files from a directory.
Occasionally, it's nice to use PHP to list all files in a
certain directory. This can be achieved via the
dir class.
- First, we have to initiate the dir object with
the directory we want to look through. If it's the
current directory, use '.', as this references the
current directory.
- The next part is a little bit more complicated, but
that is because the PHP documentation recommends a
complex but short way to do what we intended.
I use the while control structure, to loop through all
the entries. For the condition, I test if the
$dir->read() returns false (the !== operator tests for
the correct type, so '' would not evaluate to 0 or
false, as it would with a non-type-sensitive operator).
I also define $file inside the expression, but the
assignment will return the final value of $file after
the assignment. The $dir->read() method will return
false in the case that there are no more files, and
it'll break out of the loop.
If you are using html, you will want to use a <br />
instead of a newline character, so that the files will
appear on new lines in your page.
- If you executed the previous code, you will notice
two strange files listed in your script's output: . and
... These are references to the current directory (the
'.'), and the parent directory (the '..').
If you want to exclude these from your list, simply
write an if statement that tests whether the $file
variable is either of those values, and if so, ignore
- It's necessary to close instances of the dir class
when you're done with them, in order to clean the
resource handle, and announce to the operating system
that you're done with it.
This wraps up learning how to list files using PHP. On
the next page, you will learn how to upload files from a
directory to the server. Before I send you off to the next
page though, for another practical use of being able to
retrieve a list of files from a directory, read Kirupa's
tutorial on
Parsing External Data.
More file handling coverage on the
next page!