Thumbnails - Page 2
        by kirupa  |  14 June 2005

If you arrived here without having read the previous page, please go back to the previous page to get filled up on what to expect on this page!

The XML File
Since our thumbnail graphics will be loaded from an XML file, we need to modify our XML data to incorporate the thumbnails. In our original photo gallery, the XML file had the following structure:

Path to Image</image>
Image Caption</caption>
Path to Image</image>
Image Caption</caption>

Let's modify the structure by adding a node for thumbnails:

  <image>Path to Image</image>
  <caption>Image Caption</caption>
  <thumbnail>Path to Thumbnail</thumbnail>
  <image>Path to Image</image>
  <caption>Image Caption</caption>
  <thumbnail>Path to Thumbnail</thumbnail>

For the sake of simplicity, I have already created the thumbnail images and uploaded them for you to use. In your folder containing all of your photo gallery files, create a new file called images.xml with the following information:

The above XML data is very similar to the file you already have seen from the photo gallery, but it includes some extra children for thumbnails.

Now, I have provided a sample FLA for you to download and use. Click the following link to download it:

Download Partial Source for MX 2004

The Flash File
From the zip file you downloaded above, extract the FLA to the same location as your images.xml file, and then open the file thumbnail_initial.fla. You will notice that this FLA is very similar if you have used the photo gallery tutorial. In fact, it is the exact same FLA with the exception of the extra space below the text fields:


If you were to test your animation right now, provided images.xml is in the same directory as the FLA, you will see a functioning version of the photo gallery you had worked on earlier.

So, let's extend this photo gallery with thumbnails. The next page will get you started!

page 2 of 7


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