Ray of Light Revisited
        upuaut8 aka David H

It is important to take a moment to visualize any effect before you try to work on it.

1a) Start out with a blank stage. Choose menu option Modify/Movie to bring up the property sheet for the movie. Set it to 350 by 75, and give it a black background. A frame rate of 24 fps is fine. I've ended up making this movie longer than the tutorials that I've seen, but I like my movement a little slower.
1b) Save your work Ctrl+S, or Ctrl+Shift+S, or menu option File/Save. Choose a name which is descriptive, and try to come up with numbering right away. You're going to save this project dozens of times, and you should see the file names in steps. This save I'm going to use lostSoulROL1a. When I save it again, I'll save it as lostSoulROL1b and so on. It's good to get into this habit so that you can back track if necessary.

Ctrl+S means that you hold down your Ctrl key (apple key on the Mac) and press the "s". This is used to save your file as the last name you just gave it, in the last directory you just saved it. It's a quick save and good enough for most things.

Ctrl+Shift+S, means that you hold down both the Ctrl (apple key on the Mac) and the shift key, and then press the "s". Sometimes you'll want to use this save. This is a "save as" menu option which lets you give it a new name.

Keep in mind that each time you save it as a new name, it's saving the whole FLA file. Sometimes that can get really large. If you are going to seriously get into flash, I would consider either a CD ROM burner for your files, and at the very least, a nice new 40 gig hard drive.

Creating the text, and aligning it to center

2a) With your text tool, start a line of text. Choose a font you like. Size should be size 12, with a spacing of 2. Click on the color swatch, and choose any color, from the palette which pops up. I suggest White, but any highly visible color will do.
2b) Once you've typed out your text, select the black arrow tool from your tool panel. The text should change on the stage. A blue square should appear surrounding it. This square is called a "bounding box" and it represents the outer most edge of a Flash object.,

I HIGHLY suggest that you use something small, as few letters as possible, that is. The "Crimson Matrix" logo I made took FOREVER and a day. Try it small, because once you know how to do it, it'll be much easier going through the process. We are using "Lost Soul" as our example text. If I give you a reason why I'm using that, I'll only inundate myself with tons of E-mail, so I wont.

Also, be careful of what font you use. Something with a lot of flanges is not going to look as good as a sharp Arial.

2c) Open your align panel, if it is not already open, by choosing menu option, Window/Panels/Align. Select the toggle To Stage to the on position. Click on the top row of icons, the second and the fifth icon. This will align the group, according to it's bounding box, to the center of the stage.
2d) Save your work Ctrl+S, or Ctrl+Shift+S

[ Embed the whole animation inside a Movie Clip early, save time later ]

3a) After the text is in place and centered. Use the keys Ctrl+B or menu option Modify/Break apart to break apart the text. Each letter has now become a section of fill. You cannot edit the text after this point in time.
3b) On the timeline, move the mouse cursor over frame 1 of layer 1. It looks like a gray square with a black dot in the center. The cursor changes to a hand, click on this frame until the hand closes. The frame should now be highlighted in dark gray even if you remove your cursor. You may not be able to see it, but the text is all selected as well as anything else that is in the frame. In this case it's just the letters we created.
3c) Hit F8 or menu option, Insert/Covert to Symbol. A Symbol dialogue box will open. Select Movie Clip, and type in the name that you would like the entire project to be known. We are going to name this one, "lostSoulROL".

This is something that is not really covered in the tutorials. It's important to build things inside of movie clips from the beginning. Copying frame from the main timeline to a movie clip timeline first may take extra time now but it's often necessary saving time later on. The 1.0 version of this tutorial was written verbatim from the book. When I finished the project I realized that my animation stretched off the stage. I had to move it. You can't really move these element after they are in place. However, if you encapsulate the entire project in a movie clip, you can simply use that movie clip over and over again in animation's, positioning it exactly as you wish. It is for this reason that I've deviated from the tutorial in the book.

3d) It's important at this point to check this object. Do not skip this step. Open your Instance panel by using menu option Window/Panel/Instance. Using the black arrow tool, select the letters on the stage. If it has a blue bounding box around it, it's already selected. In the instance panel you should see information about the object. It has the Movie Clip symbol, bright blue and obvious, it has a behavior set to Movie Clip, and the name you assigned it. There is also a place here for an "instance name" should you need it in the future. You can leave it blank for the moment. If you see these things you know it's a movie clip and you can continue.
3e) Save your work Ctrl+S, or Ctrl+Shift+S


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