Creating Grids with Flash/AS
         by ilyas usal

Grids are wonderful. Starting with a grid, you can achieve so many tremendous effects that it would be a shame to ignore them any longer.

The only thing you'll need at first is a good understanding of the for loops, so I'll talk a little bit about them. You'll also need to know how to duplicate a movie clip, so if you don't know how to do that, check Kirupa's tutorial.

for loops

  1. for loops are used when you want a certain number of statements to be executed a given number of times. The basic structure is:

    for(init; condition; next)

    1. The init is almost all the time a variable declaration. Generally, you create a new variable and give it the value 0.
    2. The condition is, well, the condition that Flash will check before executing the code.
    3. The next is what Flash will do once all the statements have been executed. It (almost) always increments the init variable.


  2. Let's take a concrete example. Imagine we want to increment a value 10 times. So let's analyze this: the init is a variable initialization, var i=0. Now i will be the variable that will tell us when we have executed the code 10 times. So when the loop is over, we have to increment it by 1. This gives us the next: i++. Finally, the condition we have to check is whether i is bigger than 10 or not.

    for (var i=0;i < 10;i++)

    The complete code could be something like this:

    for (var i=0;i < 10;i++)
    trace (myVar);
    // returns 15

Building the grid:

[ the grid we're talking about ]

  1. First we need a nice movie clip. Simply draw a circle and turn it into a movie clip. Give it the instance name dot. Now click on the first frame of the main timeline (you might want to create a new layer to hold the code). Enter this code:

    for (var i=0;i < 10;i++)

  2. This code is written in Flash 5. There are possible optimizations for Flash MX, you can refer to the initClip article in this section.

    OK, so we have 1 variable: gridx which refers to the width of 1 cell of our grid. Then we duplicate the dot movie clip under the name "dot"+i and we move it to the correct location. Finally we make the main movie clip invisible, but this is not necessary.
    You can try to change _x into _y to obtain a vertical series of duplicates.
  3. The last thing we need is to do the same thing on the y axis. The idea is simple: if the last bit of code did one line, we are going to put it in another loop to do the same on the _y axis.

    for (var i=0;i < 10;i++)
      for (var j=0;j < 10;j++)

  4. The j loop creates a vertical series of duplicates, and the i loop 'duplicates' it at various _x positions.

  5. The code is pretty much the same as before. Just 1 new tricky thing: I used another variable, num, to be able to give a unique name and a unique depth to my duplicates. It can also be useful in various effects, but I leave this for you to discover...
  6. It's over! You have your grid now. You mission now, should you chose to accept it, is to be the more creative you can and to produce some really cool effects based on this grid. you are free to add motion, special effects, anything you like, as long at it remains a grid.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them on the forums @

Ilyas Usal


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