Shadows as Borders: Tips and Tricks, Pg. 2
      by Kris Gosser AKA Kristopher : 9 February 2005

The CSS Code
Now that we have our final image (go to the previous page if you have not done that), we are ready to put it into code. First let's declare in our external CSS the body background color.

/* CSS Code */
body {
background: #B4C0C9;

The background color must match the background color we picked in our Photoshop image. In this case, it's a solid blue color: #B4C0C9. The "body { }" is CSS language to reformat the body tag for any page that links to this CSS style sheet. So any attribute declaration between the curly braces will take affect.

The goal is to have one container div with a background of the shadowed image we created. This image will then extend vertically with the div. To achieve this affect, we will need to construct the div with code like this:

/* CSS Code */
div#container {
background: url(image.jpg) repeat-y #FFF;

There are three parts to this background declaration. The first, "url(image.jpg)," tells us which image to grab and where to grab it. The second part, "repeat-y," tells us to repeat the background image vertically (y-axis) as long as the container div extends. And finally, the third part, "#FFF," is just in case an older browser can't recognize the image code. If it doesn't, then this color will be the background. It's beneficial if you want a separate color for your container div compared to your background.

Shadows With Patterns
Some people might want to put a shadow onto a patterned background. That's going to be difficult because there's no solid attribute, and the pattern needs to tile perfectly to look just right. And what happens if a viewer with a 1600px wide resolution looks at the site versus a person with an 800px wide resolution? There's that much more pattern that needs to dynamically tile up and fit perfectly. So how do we do it?

Enter The Ridiculously Large Image
That header is correct. We will be using an outlandishly large image for our background. A 3000px wide image to be exact! Here are the steps:

  1. Follow the instructions on the previous page in regards to Photoshop. What you need to do is make a 3000px wide image, and fill it with your pattern. This will be the background.

    How do I make a background patterns? It's pretty simple actually. First, find your pattern. I took one from a favorite spot of mine that no one knows about. It's a sweet website with some nice flourishy, damask patterns: I saved it, opened it in Photoshop.

  2. I then looked at the height of the pattern - that's important because your main shadowed image will be 3000px by Xpx where X equals the height if your patterned image. In this case, my patterned image was 224.
  3. Make your main background image 3000px by Xpx.
  4. Go back to your pattern. Select all of it and go to Edit > Define Pattern. This will set this image as a pattern.
  5. Go to your background image. Select all of it and go to Edit > Fill. Under the options that pop up, choose pattern, and select the pattern you just made.
  6. Bingo! The whole image, all 3000 pixels of it, will be filled perfectly with your pattern. Now to the shadowed part.
  7. I decided I want to have my content area 600 pixels. So I took 3000-600 and got 2400. Then I took 2400 and divided by 2 and got 1200. These are where I want to put guides - on 1200 and 1800 because that's where my middle of my image is and that's where the content needs to go. So my Photoshop image will look like this:

  1. I'm going to go through the same process of applying a shadow as on the previous page. Just make sure the background is a layer below the content color. So in this case, the background and the white box are two separate layers. Then just use the burn tool. You'll get an image like this:

  1. Save your image for the web. Get a quality value of around 60.

The CSS Code
The code is virtually the same as at the top of the page, except there will be a few tweaks to the container div. Here's what it will look like:

div#container {
background: url(bg.jpg) repeat-y #FFF;
background-position: center
width: 3000px;
height: auto;
margin: 0 auto;

The important code in there is margin: 0 auto;. This will always center the div, so the 600px wide solid color part will always be your background. It should work from here on out.

A Little Discussion
There's always some controversy to this method of development. Some critics say that a 3000px wide image is too much for a user to download. Well, with a backup color for the body and background, that's always going to be there until the image loads. And the image is only 11kb, so in today's world, that will download pretty fast - and much faster than a Flash file. If this is an effect you really want to pull off, then have an image that large is worth it.

  Kris Gosser


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