Drag & Drop Files in WPF  - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  26 May 2009

Dragging and dropping files is a fairly common task that you engage in frequently - whether you realize it or not. If you work with images a lot, you've probably dragged some images into an open instance of Adobe Photoshop and had those dragged files be automatically opened. Notepad is another great example. Dragging and dropping any files into Notepad will result in Notepad (often humorously) trying to make sense of the data - even if it the data isn't exactly text based.

There are many more examples, but regardless of your particular fond drag-and-drop recollection, someone somewhere had to customize their application to allow you to drop files into them. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can create one such application that does something when files are dropped into it.

More specifically, you will create an application that looks as follows:

When this application is running, you can drag some files and drop them onto the big green area. The names of the files you dropped will appear, and selecting and hovering over each file entry will display the tooltip of the file's location on disk.

Getting Started - Setting up the UI
What you are going to do is recreate what I described in the above example. It will be simple WPF application that contains a ListBox. As you drag and drop files into the ListBox, those files' names will be displayed inside it with an associated tooltip being set as well.

The first step in making all of this is having our basic UI created. Let's get started:

  1. Launch Expression Blend and create a new WPF Application. It doesn't really matter what name you give your application.

  2. After you have created your application, you will see a blank window. This window is a bit large for what we are going to do, so let's make it smaller. Select your Window and set its Width and Height to 350 and 250 respectively;

[ set your Window's dimensions via the Layout category ]

After changing the height, your window should look like the following:

[ notice that your window is now much smaller ]

  1. Now that your window is sized correctly, let's go ahead and add your Listbox control. From Blend's Asset Library, search for ListBox. Once you have found the ListBox, drag and drop the ListBox icon into your design surface to insert it:

[ you have just inserted a ListBox ]

That small square is actually your ListBox. I know it doesn't look like much right now, but rest assured that it is not a white square. If you are still skeptical, you can verify by looking in your object tree and seeing your Listbox appear:

[ notice that your ListBox now appears ]

  1. Let's make a few minor tweaks to our ListBox. First, let's give it a slightly different color so that it is more noticeable. Ensure your Listbox is selected, look in your Brushes category in the Properties pane, select the Background brush, and give it a light green-ish color:

[ give your ListBox a light green color ]

  1. Your listbox should now sport a light green background. The last thing we are going to do is make our listbox larger. With your Listbox control selected, on the design surface, drag the corner adorners to resize the ListBox to hit the edges of your Window:

[ your ListBox is now green! ]

  1. If you test your application right now by pressing F5, you will basically see something that looks as follows:

[ what your app looks like right now ]

Ok, so far, you have just created the UI, and your app does not do anything else. Very soon, and by very soon, I mean, starting on the next page, we will make your application useful.

Onwards to the next page!

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