Easing Functions in Blend - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  6 August 2009

When you are animating something in WPF or Silverlight, at each tick of the clock, a property or a series of properties changes. It is this change that creates an animation, but by default, this change is linear with nothing interesting to write home about:

To make your animations a bit more interesting, you have easing. Easing essentially changes your animation from being linear to something less so by slowing down or speeding up the rate at which your properties change. While working with easing seems complicated, it is actually very easy - especially in Silverlight 3 and Expression Blend 3!

By the end of this tutorial, you will have learned how to apply the easing effects the Blend icon displays when you hit the Play Animation button below:

Get Microsoft Silverlight

[ click on the Play button to see the animation you will be creating ]

Notice the cool easing effects at work in making the Blend icon disappear. Let's look at how exactly to do that in greater detail:

  1. Because this tutorial is very specific to just using easing functions, I am not going to have you go through and create an application from scratch. Instead, I am going to provide you with a sample project that will provide a good starting point.

Download Partial Source File

  1. Once you have downloaded and extracted the above source files, launch Expression Blend 3 and open the EasingFunctions project. Your Projects pane will look similar to this:

[ your Projects pane displays your recently opened project ]

  1. Once you have opened your project, open MainPage.xaml. You should see the image of the Blend icon along with a button that you saw in my earlier example:

[ hey look, the animation you saw earlier is displayed here ]

If you run your application and hit the Play Animation button, you will see the animation of the Blend icon play. Notice the major difference between what you see now and what you saw in my example earlier - there is no easing applied. Let's fix that.

  1. First, open the Storyboard that contains this animation. Go to the Storyboard picker found under the Objects and Timeline tab and select the only storyboard you will see, ScaleAndFadeAnimation:

[ from the Storyboard Picker, open ScaleAndFadeAnimation ]

  1. Once you have selected ScaleAndFadeAnimation, your Objects and Timeline panel will display a timeline that shows useful information like the current keyframes and at what time they get hit:

[ when you open a storyboard, the timeline will make an appearance ]

You should see three keyframes, but we are only interested in the second keyframe right now. Go ahead and select it:

[ from your timeilne, select the second keyframe ]

  1. When you select the second keyframe, your Properties panel will display properties that are related to the keyframe you selected:

[ your keyframe's properties should now be visible ]

Make sure the EasingFunction tab is selected and the EasingFunction tab visible with None displayed.

  1. What we are going to do is change the EasingFunction from None to something else. Click on the EasingFunction drop-down menu to see a large list of easing functions that are available for you to use.
    Select the Elastic easing function found under the InOut column:

[ select the Elastic InOut ease ]

  1. Once you select Elastic, this menu will disappear and you will see your Properties Inspector display properties related to the InOut variant of the Elastic easing function you selected:

[ you can see the properties for your Elastic InOut ease ]

Let's leave the default values as they are and just run your application to see what may be going on. Notice that as you are playing the animation, when the Blend icon begins to zoom out, you suddenly see this elastic ease appear. That was pretty simple, right?

  1. We aren't fully done just yet. Let's add one more easing function, and I am going to less verbose this time. Select your third keyframe from the timeline, and just like you did before, look in the Properties Inspector, click on the EasingFunction drop-down, and select the Exponential ease from the InOut column:

[ select the Exponential InOut ease ]

Ok, now you are done applying the easing functions to keyframes in your animation. If you play back or even test your animation, you will see that your animation no longer exhibits the boringness it did earlier. The two easing functions you applied to both of the keyframes are clearly evident when you see the animation now.

You are done with the Blend part of this tutorial now. In the next page, let's take a few steps back and learn more about easing and how it all works.

Onwards to the next page!

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