Dependency Properties in Silverlight - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  25 February 2009

In C#, creating properties in code is very easy. A property called AuthorName would look like the following:

public string AuthorName

The above code, known as a CLR property, is good enough for you to use in most cases that involve setting and accessing a value. A slight wrinkle in this perfect fabric occurs when you are using Silverlight and want to do more.

While you can still use properties such as what I've shown above, Silverlight introduces more ways to set and access a value - ways that a CLR property simply cannot handle. Some of these ways involve animations, data binding, styling/templating, and more. They go beyond simple setting and getting via code.

To deal with this, you have a new type of a property known as a dependency property. In this article, I will show you how to create a dependency property in Silverlight.

Looking at a Dependency Property
The best way to get introduced to dependency properties is to look in detail at what one looks like. The above AuthorName property defined as a dependency property will look as follows:

public string AuthorName
get { return (string)GetValue(AuthorNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(AuthorNameProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty AuthorNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("AuthorName", typeof(string), typeof(AuthorTextField), new PropertyMetadata(""));

Whoa! What was a few lines earlier now has turned into more than a few lines of mostly incomprehensible code. Let's try to make sense of all this.

The basic structure of a dependency property is made up of two things. First, you have your CLR wrapper:

public string AuthorName
get { return (string)GetValue(AuthorNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(AuthorNameProperty, value); }

This wrapper provides you with easy access to the AuthorName property just like you would expect with any old CLR property that you can declare. Internally, it is a bit different in that the get and set methods call GetValue and SetValue respectively on a property called AuthorNameProperty.

Your Dependency Property Identifier
The CLR wrapper is the first item that makes up your dependency property. The second item is what is known as a dependency property identifier, and in our code, that is represented by AuthorNameProperty:

public static readonly DependencyProperty AuthorNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("AuthorName", typeof(string), typeof(AuthorTextField), new PropertyMetadata(""));

This line is what reconciles your above CLR wrapper with the property system that lives beneath Silverlight. This line can be divided into two parts as well. The first part is where you simply declare the identifier:

public static readonly DependencyProperty AuthorNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("AuthorName", typeof(string), typeof(AuthorTextField), new PropertyMetadata(""));

Almost always, your type will be DependencyProperty, and its modifiers will be public, static, and readonly. The second part is where you initialize your dependency property identifier by registering it:

public static readonly DependencyProperty AuthorNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("AuthorName", typeof(string), typeof(AuthorTextField), new PropertyMetadata(""));

Registering your property is interesting because it really doesn't make a lot of sense because the behind the scenes details are hidden from view. The main thing to remember is that, deep under the hoods, Silverlight has an advanced property system that keeps track of the various dependency properties used in an application.

Registering is where the various pieces of data that make up your dependency property get stored in that behind-the-alley warehouse that only Silverlight can access. In the next page, let's look at this registration process in greater detail.

Onwards to the next page!

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