         by senocular

Because setInterval is similar to an onEnterFrame event, technically speaking, you could run your entire movie off of a, or many, setInterval calls. This is, however, a little unorthodox, so it isn't commonly done. What setInterval is best at is simple (non-accurate) count-down timers and other (again, non-accurate) time-specific actions.

displayTime = 30;
countDown = function(message){
if (displayTime == 0){
trace("Times Up!");
timer = setInterval(countDown, 1000);

Here, every second the displayTime is decremented by 1 until reaching 0 where "Times Up!" is traced. Once 0, the countDown function also clears out its own interval as not to cause the timer to continuously count down below 0 into negative numbers.

You may want to be careful with using this for certain timers though, especially with games. Knowing that setInterval is not frame dependant means that you could be giving your users with slower computers a disadvantage as they would obviously not be able to perform the same amount of actions within any given time period because of a slow frame rate. In that case, its best to create a frame based timer.

Another use for setInterval is making a specific movieclip play its frames outside the frame rate of the main timeline.In essence, this can make a movieclip in a movie with a 12 FPS frame rate appear to play at 5 FPS or even 30. When combined with updateAfterEvent(), clearInterval can refresh the screen before the next frame is drawn allowing you to show something faster than that which is possible within the set frame rate. Example:

fastFrames = function(){
speedyID = setInterval(fastFrames, 40);

With an interval of 40 milliseconds, the movieclip myMovie_mc will play its frames at about 25 frames per second despite the set frame rate of the movie. However, it is important to know that Flash still has its limitations. If you try to set an interval that is too fast for Flash to keep up with, your set time will not be met, instead, Flash will only play the interval as fast as it can, not dropping function calls to match with actual timing.

Loading swfs is another practical use for setInterval. The reason for this is because you may have certain operation-specific events associated with your onEnterFrame events and might not want to have to mess with them in order to create a preloader or loader checker for any of your loaded movies. With setInterval being what it is and operating itself, by itself, it allows you to make a unique repeating checker function which can detect when a movie has loaded and then perform the desired reactions. Here, setInterval is the method used to instantiate a type of onLoad for a loaded movie, only here, we aren't waiting for the entire loaded movie to load, just for 10 frames, so when they are available, they can be navigated to. Example:

checkLoaded = function(){
if (_level1._framesloaded >= 10){
intervalID = setInterval(checkLoaded, 50);

Using setInterval, we can also mimic setTimeout function in javascript by creating a setInterval function which will only call the passed function once and then clear itself out automatically with clearInterval:

_global.setTimeout = function(a,b,c, args){
// for a basic function call:
if (typeof a == "function"){
args = arguments.slice(2);
var ID, func = function(){
a.apply(null, args);
ID = setInterval(func, b, args);
// for an object method call:
args = arguments.slice(3);
var ID, func = function(){
a[b].apply(a, args);
ID = setInterval(func, c, args);
return ID;
_global.clearTimeout = clearInterval;

This can be used just as setInterval normally is, only this will run the function only once after the given interval has passed. Because setInterval is used to create this setTimeout variation, clearInterval will also interrupt it, though a clearTimeout was also made for consistency; which itself is just a copy of clearInterval.

Here's one that will pass the interval ID to the function so you can access it within that function and clear it if you need to:

_global.sendInterval = function(a,b,c, args){
// for a basic function call:
if (typeof a == "function"){
args = arguments.slice(2);
var ID, func = function(){
a.apply(null, args);
ID = setInterval(func, b, args);
// for an object method call:
args = arguments.slice(3);
var ID, func = function(){
a[b].apply(a, args);
ID = setInterval(func, c, args);
return args[args.length] = ID;

Works on much of the same premise as setTimeout only the ID, instead of being cleared automatically, is passed into the function call as the last argument in that function. So for whatever function is used, the last argument passed will be the interval ID and can be cleared at the discrepancy of that function.

SetInterval, though a new and exciting feature of Flash MX, really doesn't offer too much to get overly excited about. The fact that it is not frame dependant can throw a lot of things off track for a well oiled Flash movie machine. However, that fact alone is part of setIntervals real power, especially in exact time calculation which was clumsy with the use of getTimer or the date object in Flash 5. Now actions within Flash can be easily performed at exact time intervals with little ease. What functions you run like that is truly up to you.




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